Patriot Retort-
Did you know that Rachel Maddow is being sued by One America News? Apparently this summer Maddow claimed OAN is “really literally paid Russian propaganda.”

Naturally OAN is now really literally suing Maddow for defamation.
And the Maddow defense is really literally laughable.
She only deals in the current truth.
She practically used “literally” only figuratively, I guess.
I am virtually shocked.
Someone strike a match. Madcows flatulence continues unabated on MSNBC.
Uncle Al: were you speaking rhetorically?
She literally “married” a fat, old, ugly homeless woman whom she had hired to do yardwork for her and fell in “love” with.
We are told how intelligent she is
So, what explains this
Unless she is a liar
Unless she’s on drugs
Just sayin’
Rachel baby has never been anything but a
smellocratic party smear pig.
Is she going to pay the price for it ?
Maybe, but remember
It is impossible to subscribe to cable TV
without receiving CNN in the package
Although CNN has the lowest viewership
ratings in all of television.
Why doesn’t that dude just give it up and retire? He could golf or fish the rest of his life, and no one would CARE?
Who is this Rick Maddow and why is he such a liar?
If it lies to itself about its sexual perversions, doesn’t it follow that it’d lie about everything else, as well?
The thing is a walking, talking lie – an embodiment of a lie.
izlamo delenda est …
CNN: The Clownfart News Network (where all the “news” smells funny)
We don’t complicate your life with silly things like Facts!
Wow. PatriotRetort blocks VPN IP’s? I guess anonymous browsing is too much freedom for them. Good riddance.
Rachel is just your garden variety cunning linguist.
She exceeded her debit limit with the non-stop fluffing about having Trump’s tax returns. Many lefty fans were royally pissed at that deception. In the world of demographics, that was a yuge mistake.
That’s a shame. I really liked him in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.
An ignorant asshole, yes, but so infantile.
Her favorite airline is Aer Lingus.