She seems pleasant – IOTW Report

She seems pleasant

36 Comments on She seems pleasant

  1. Always liked her MORE than Shelley Long anyways…

    It would appear the car is the new rubber room for raging young lunatic white womyn.

    I have warned my young sons about these NUT JOBS.

    They say, “Oh…we know Dad”. And then I thank GOD.

  2. we’ve had several generations of kids being given a pill instead of learning how to cope with life’s sometimes unpleasant realities
    and don’t forget the public school system gets more funding if kids are on meds

  3. I didn’t realize that last one was “a Mexican” and how is that relevant anyway?

    Our daughter used to say some kids at school took “crazy pills,” apparently that’s what the other kids called Crazy Pills. Kids don’t lie.

  4. nunyo bidness, I couldn’t agree with you more. A lot of these kids have had, what, like 50 vaccines before the age of 12? I think that’s what I heard RFK Jr. say. They’ve been fed a diet of crappy food and crappy education/indoctrination, which is enuf right there to make them crazy. Not to mention the meds they’re given like candy. Or how today’s electronics may be affecting them.

    It’s easy for us to judge them and make fun of them, but you’ve got to realize how they’ve been tortured, mentally and physically.

  5. Back in the 1980’s I used to get so frustrated wrangling with IBM systems that I’d hold it in all day and once I got into my car and started to drive home, I’d let it all go, with nobody hearing my screams of frustration and anger. It was F**K THOSE IBM BASTARDS I HOPE THEY ALL DIE PAINFUL DEATHS all the way home.

  6. @ nunyo bidness and Margot, for the last 2 decades the biggest market for anti-depressants and anxiety is children. Shame on the alleged medical professionals and the parents who allow this. These people have no coping mechanisms at all.

  7. LOL, TimBuktu, I was just thinking that there’ve been times in my life where I felt like this poor girl. The difference is, I’d go off somewhere private and let off steam, punch or kick an inanimate object and let it out of my system. I never recorded myself, either. Didn’t think anyone would be interested and I didn’t want to embarrass myself.

    I have, however, seen kids throw tantrums just like that to get attention from their parents. Some outgrow it, some don’t.

  8. Right on, Eugenia.

    Years ago, I lived in a small, but very nice apartment complex on one of the canals in South Florida and one day I heard a boy pleading with his mother to let him stop taking the meds for ADD. He said something like “Please, mom, my mind doesn’t know what my body’s doing”. He sounded desperate. I spoke to the mother later. A piece of skinny, doped up trash who should never have been allowed to have kids. She told me she would take some of her son’s meds to get high. The sad thing is, the kid’s problem was his mother, and there’s no meds for that.

  9. She seems nice (/s)

    Never stick yer dick in krazy.

    And you work where? And do what? For a living?
    Remind me to never do business with your business.

  10. That looked like aisle 6 at the grocery store at 5:30p to pick up stuff for dinner with a kid who ate the lolly stuck to her car seat between day care and the store and didn’t take a nap that day. It was a childish “melt down.”

    Sad to see it in someone too old to still be doing that.

  11. My ex did this in a restaurant late in our marriage. It came out of nowhere. I was mortified. All I could do was get up and walk out the door to the car. She followed screaming like this the whole time. It was a fifty mile drive home and I kept a death grip on the steering wheel because I thought she might reach over and steer us into the path of an eighteen-wheeler. I eventually found out what drove her to act like this, but not before the marriage was all but over. Things are better now, thank goodness!

  12. You fix this kind of behavior by a teenage girl by looking quizzical for a moment, then laughing while saying something along the lines of omg you’re making yourself look really ugly, hahahaha… then turning around and leaving.

  13. The crazy thing is that she has become the norm for white, college credentialed women.

    I don’t say “educated” anymore.

    If I had to find a wife today, I would need to look abroad.

  14. A more basic question is why should anyone GAF how she feels about anything, Monday morning or not? I don’t care how she feels about anything. She can live long and prosper or eat shit and die – her existence is meaningless to everyone but herself and God. Her parents may tolerate her hysteria, but won’t forever – I’m sure her actions are a rebuke to their parental skills.

    Oh well – another center of the Universe – a legend in her own mind.

    izlamo delenda est …


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