She Wanted a Friend More Than She Wanted A Snack – IOTW Report

She Wanted a Friend More Than She Wanted A Snack

h/t Little Sis

23 Comments on She Wanted a Friend More Than She Wanted A Snack

  1. Does that cat have claws? He DOES seem nice but?

    Just the first whack when meeting Bernie the Rat, with the tip of a sharp claw, would make him run back into his ‘hovel’.

    Could not help that Bernie, ‘SWIPE’…

  2. I’ve kept a post card on my little bulletin board for decades which has a black and white kitty covered in party streamers. It reads: “Buster thanked the mice for the wonderful party and then he ate them.”

    Don’t know why this always cracks me up, but it does.

    “I love them little mousies. Them mousies what I eat. I bite they tiny heads off and nibble they tiny feet.”

  3. So… What does Dad think of all this?
    Oh, right: No Dad.
    (Me: Not surprised. City apartment. Single Mom. Pet cat, pet rat, feral child, cutesie selfie videos… This is not going to end well.)

  4. That’s a pet rat. Not a wild one. Not impressed.

    While you can tame a wild one, this one was never wild. The fur pattern gives that away.

    I’ve had several cats that wouldn’t deal with other critters.

    I have a killer that stays out front now. Ninja Kitty delivers. One time it looked like a dove exploded on my front porch when I got home. My #2 son brought his young bride over right after I got home and before I cleaned the porch.

    That was an interesting moment when her face had the look of shock on it, #2 laughed.

  5. I have a few dogs with terrier blood in them. Eva and Chief will spend hours half way down the east hill digging up and killing rats. And moles.

    We have a huge warren (is that the correct word?) of rats on that slope. Every day there are 3 to 6 more dead rats everywhere in the yard. I can’t tell you how many rats and moles I have burned in the barrel. Hundreds.

  6. @ Erik NOVEMBER 11, 2020 AT 10:59 PM

    You rent them out?

    I could use some terrier mousers. Fetching live or dead ones from under a house is useful.

    Warren? Maybe. Never heard that used here. We just call it an infestation.

    They get interesting the more crowded their population is. Quite evil, in fact. Murder, rape, cannibalism – if they can’t move, the young mothers may even eat their own babies – live. They do it from the nose first. Not pretty.

    A young pregnant mother is usually the one to move into your house to get away from all that.

    – The Bugman

  7. Yesterday, I was relaxing in my lawn chair in the back yard and our black cat came from the field behind our property with a huge field rat hanging from his choppers. When he got near me, he dropped it and ate everything except the fur. Cats will be cats!

  8. So, all you rodent fans who love squirrels, what’s the difference between a Western Gray Squirrel and and Eastern Gray Squirrel and why have Eastern Gray Squirrels taken over NW cities?

    (I’m sorry, that’s off topic. Never mind.)

  9. This is a clever way to illustrate the relationship between the DOJ/FBI and traitors receiving a government pay check and get the video past YouTube censors, right?

    In the same way that the nursery rhyme, Hickory Dickory Dock, was a clever way to tell the story in disguise of Richard Cromwell, his mousy character, and short time in office, in the 17th century. And avoid any chance of being relocated to a dungeon home address.

  10. My brothers large yellow tabby Fritz was able to vertically leap 3 to 4 feet straight up in the air and catch birds in mid flight. He also had all the dogs in the neighborhood terrified of him, he was one mean but lovable cat.


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