10 Comments on SHEEPLE

  1. Frank Luntz is a putz (or however you spell it). I have wondered where his opinions come from – certainly not from his hand picked audience. Why do they let him get away with this; he is FOS.

  2. So if anyone can find the video of the Frank Lutz focus groups. A gentleman in a white shirt. On the first show he stated he came in as a Trump Supporter. On the second show he stated he came in as a Walker Supporter. Would love to see those side by side clips. Just a little proof of how “reliable” Mr. Luntz’s focus groups really are. s/

  3. The entire debate was spent asking irrelevant questions.
    The FOX moderators “lost” the debate – not the contestants.

    Cruz came across as the most Presidential, none of the others during the prime time debate got the chance, thanks to the ridiculous series of questions.

    The country and world are literally on fire — the panelists should have been asked about Iran, the National Debt, Immigation, the Economy, and White House / Clinton corruption and IRS abuses. Instead we get questions about ‘third party’ runs and ‘digusting animal’ remarks.


    What a disaster for our country!!!!!!

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