Sheeple Attacks Man Questioning Covid – IOTW Report

Sheeple Attacks Man Questioning Covid

ht/ jerry manderin

32 Comments on Sheeple Attacks Man Questioning Covid

  1. Early indications appear to confirm my hypothesis.

    All the people who take the shot are slowly turning into brain dead violent zombies.

    One crisis I KNOW we’re prepared for.

  2. He’s not wearing his mandated masks. He’s certainty not social distancing. He’ll come closer to being arrested for those offenses than the busted window.

  3. That’s Main Street in Vancouver Canada. Everyone is made of spare parts up there. I suspect that the mongoloid guy didn’t get the sarcasm part of the joke.

  4. Why such anger? Is the truth causing conflict in your brain?
    Universities are convinced Asians are too smart to let into their schools. This guy destroys that stereotype.
    His bike is probably done for.

  5. Chinese guy was kind of unclear on the concept of sarcasm.
    Or maybe what the white dude was saying didn’t translate precisely.
    Neither was wearing a mask.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I once saw a bicyclist in Portland back in the early 70’s who when some asshole deliberately opened his door of his car and the guy riding the slammed into it with his bike. Then after he picked himself up from crashing into the car door grabbed the guy out of the car and beat the snot out of him right there on the road. I used to ride my bike everywhere back then, not now.

  7. Chicoms have been brainwashed for such a long time, they can’t discern joking from the truth. I don’t thin they have Chinese comedians in China. Asians sure do have a mean streak in them – like ALL races. Point out their weaknesses and this is what happens.


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