Sheeple Exist – Poll: 39 Per Cent of 18-24 Year Olds Now Identify as LGBTQ – IOTW Report

Sheeple Exist – Poll: 39 Per Cent of 18-24 Year Olds Now Identify as LGBTQ

What is the percentage of 18-24 year-olds that got a tramp stamp? Body piercings? It’s statistically impossible for the percentage to jump so drastically, unless fashion, trends, and indoctrination is the driving factor.


The fact that the number has inflated so significantly in recent years clearly indicates it is being driven by social and cultural engineering.

The results of the Gallup poll also indicated that the rise was largely due to more people identifying as “bisexual.”

However, as Glenn Greenwald noted, “The vast majority of them in long-term relationships are in opposite-sex relationships (33%) rather than same-sex ones (3.7%). So 10 times more people who identify as “bi” live in hetero-appearing relationships than gay/lesbian ones.”

In other words, the cultural cache of claiming to be part of ‘LGBTQ’ when these people aren’t even in LGBTQ relationships is too tempting to resist.



25 Comments on Sheeple Exist – Poll: 39 Per Cent of 18-24 Year Olds Now Identify as LGBTQ

  1. It is the same as the majority of whites now saying they are minorities on college applications. Everyone knows how you get rewarded (and punished) in our woke tard society.

  2. This is TOTAL Bullshit! More indoctrination material(crap) generated by the left. But the stupid yunguns accept this mierde because they have been trained NOT to think, and go with the flow . . . right down the gutter.

  3. Surprised they stopped munching on Tide Pods long enough to take the survey. I remember 18 to 24 year old me well enough to know surveying me would have been a waste of time and resources.

  4. A lot of young people are on TikTok claiming to have Dissociative Identity Disorder (multiple personalities). They claim to have dozens of identities and can cycle through them in the course of a couple of minutes. Some of their personalities are anime, South Park, or Simpsons characters. Some of their identities have Tourette’s, autism or other disabilities.

    Long story short, kids today WANT to be freaks and will make up shit just to qualify for freak status, internet clout, attention and victim status.

  5. Yep, and all of them will tell you they are BORN this way, there’s no “helping” them. You must alter your perceptions and support them in every way they want you to.

    But what if I was born without the ability to change my perceptions? Shutup, bigot!

  6. The need to seek approval and affirmation has risen to crisis level. If permission has been given to do something then that something will be done.

    Basic demonology for humanity 101 as taught at her local university.

  7. Looks like Satan is winning … this round …

    “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
    (dead white guy)

    izlamo delenda est …


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