Sheila Jackson Lee Files for Re-Election in Wake of Crushing Mayoral Defeat – IOTW Report

Sheila Jackson Lee Files for Re-Election in Wake of Crushing Mayoral Defeat

Federalist Papers:

A crushing defeat in a mayoral election appears to be more of a pit stop than an actual stop for Sheila Jackson Lee’s political career.

The embattled Democratic congresswoman suffered a humbling loss in the Houston mayoral race over the weekend, and there wasn’t much positive news to glean from it, given how lopsided it was.

State Sen. John Whitmire claimed 65.3 percent of the vote to just 34.7 percent for Lee.

Despite the landslide victory being made official only early Sunday, Lee appears to have already pivoted to something with which she is intimately familiar: representing Texas’ 18th Congressional District, a Houston-area seat she first won back in 1994.

The Houston Chronicle reported that a campaign representative said she had “quietly” filled out re-election paperwork Sunday evening. more here

18 Comments on Sheila Jackson Lee Files for Re-Election in Wake of Crushing Mayoral Defeat

  1. I’m hoping that her long-suffering hair, which she has been abusing and torturing for decades, will finally rise up, turn on her, and strangle her to death, thus putting an end to its, her, and our misery.

  2. Like I said, she belongs in a cage, naked, with a chain around her neck.

    These asswipes are ruining the world.

    There is nothing quite like having a total dipshit telling people what to do. I saw it at Bell, and ABC. Everything was fine until the educated dipshits showed up. Then you are encumbered with faggots, absolutely retarded women, and worthless fucksticks who rose through the ranks with sheer incompetence.

    And no, I’m not pissing on real educations.

  3. I still wonder about the time Latrine Waters (as chair of the House Banking Committee!) was questioning bank presidents about what they planned to do about education loans. I think the third one she questioned finally told her they didn’t make education loans anymore because of 0bama. Man, she is dense. Shit like that is scary.

  4. Lincoln’s Rule … “You can fool some of the people all of the time, & all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.”

    D’rats Corollary …. “You just need to fool more of the people that they deserve other people’s money all of the time, & once you elect me, I will ensure you get it … after I get my share.”

  5. “Then you are encumbered with faggots, absolutely retarded women, and worthless fucksticks who rose through the ranks with sheer incompetence.” -Erik

    Describes most governments and most levels of government now.

  6. It would be too much to hope that one of her much-abused staff members rises up, runs against her and wins, but that crew is so beaten down that they’ve probably already crawled back for more abuse. Maybe some other grifter in her district will try to take her down.

    Not that I really who rules that roost. But it would be nice to retire that laughingstock retard from my news feed.

  7. Isn’t she the one that thought Guam might tip over if too many people got on the island? And …..I think she’s the one that asked a space astronaut if he could see the flag on the moon. Or some dumb thing. She’s as dumb as they come…….

  8. Erik – Aaaaaannnd that’s why I call ’em dumbed-down, over-educated, degreed, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, sheet grabbing, pillow biting, moisterizing-metro-sexually-confused radical Leftist Organizers who said: “Let’s find out just how far we can push crazy in this country with the most preposterous concepts we can dream up.


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