Shelia Jackson Lee’s New Bill Aims to Outlaw Only One Type of Racism – IOTW Report

Shelia Jackson Lee’s New Bill Aims to Outlaw Only One Type of Racism


Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) introduced a House Bill criminalizing “conspiracy to commit white supremacy,” which includes criticism of non-white people which influences an individual to commit a hate crime. 

The legislation, H.R.61 “Leading Against White Supremacy Act of 2023,” introduced last Monday by Democratic congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas, seeks to “prevent and prosecute white supremacy inspired hate crime and conspiracy to commit white supremacy inspired hate crime.” Knotty

26 Comments on Shelia Jackson Lee’s New Bill Aims to Outlaw Only One Type of Racism

  1. All for show like the gas stove ban.
    If they really wanted these left wing virtue signaling bills to pass they would have introduced them while they had the majority and San Fran Nan was still Drinker of the House.

  2. All these millions of racist asshole black people are reminding an entire new generation of Americans why segregation was instituted in the first place. These assholes are demons from Hell, and there is simply no reasoning with them because they plan to wallow in their own shitty existences for as long as we keep feeding and housing them. And they are dead set on bringing everyone else around them with them, most especially all other black people who aren’t onboard with this social death cult of BLM.

  3. beachmom

    The gas supply and new construction is the real kitchen war.
    Zoning Laws and other license to fee advanced work

    If you are not allowed to build it that way because their bread is being buttered by other CONsiderations done subdivisionally years in advance.

    That’s where the real candy is made.

  4. TheMule JANUARY 17, 2023 AT 2:08 PM You are correct.
    Everyday these people do something to make us more and more racist. It ain’t us. It’s them.
    But don’t be surprised if she gets a hundred republican votes.

  5. Racist blacks will never be truly free because they’re all slaves to their own hypocrisy and iniquity. If they say they can’t live by their own standards, or ours, they’re admitting that they’re inferior.

  6. Meanwhile, just about every single time I see a video of a carjacking, robbery, sucker punch, beating and/or shooting it generally is black on white/asian crime. Prove to me I’m wrong.

  7. Not just a distraction…
    Not just idiocy…
    When they make their move, they will point to such things and say “This country and it’s citizens are so bad we needed to propose legislation to deal with it.”
    This shit is nothing more than a set-up.

  8. In other news, Loudoun County, VA, has a population of about 420K; but, butt, only about 8.2% is negroid … in a country, (i.e. U.S.A.,) which is about 13% black. So we knead to bake some equity into the Loudoun County high schools.

  9. When a Congressional district sends someone to Congress who is this effin stupid all education money in that district needs to be clawed back. It’s obviously a complete waste of money.

  10. Just so everybody understands, that ugly, crazy bitch isn’t from Texas. She is from New York. She was sent to Texas to hoodwink the multitudes of dumb ghetto dwellers in the worst part of Houston, the Third Ward. SJL would never, ever be caught in her own district without multiple armed guards because they would kill her for the crown weave on her gorilla head. None of my black friends would even think of entering the Third Ward, even in broad daylight. They know better!


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