Shelter in Place Order For 6 Counties in California – IOTW Report

Shelter in Place Order For 6 Counties in California

The Patch-

Several counties in the Bay Area are ordering residents to shelter in place Monday in an extraordinary attempt to slow the spread of the new coronavirus.

The three-week order, which would likely be the strictest measure taken anywhere in the U.S. against COVID-19, will shutter “non-essential” businesses, while allowing grocery stores, police and fire departments, pharmacies and some other businesses to stay open, San Francisco Mayor London Breed said in an announcement.

Residents can still leave their homes, but will be required to distance themselves from others while outside, officials said.

The order will take effect at 12:01 a.m. Tuesday, and last until at least April 7.

It will apply to Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo and Santa Clara counties, which have confirmed a combined 273 COVID-19 cases by Monday, officials said.


h/t martial law anyone?

32 Comments on Shelter in Place Order For 6 Counties in California

  1. Can somebody remind me if there was this much pandemonium during the H1N1 outbreak? Oh that’s right…during Obama’s term. All was ok despite almost 20,000 dead.

  2. This is SO WEIRD!!! Thank goodness I had just gone to the store… It does say we’ll be able to go grocery shopping, but the craziness level will be out the roof.

    And two-thirds of family income is now gone—poof, in the twinkling of an eye.

  3. This is SO WEIRD!!! Thank goodness I had just gone to the store… It does say we’ll be able to go grocery shopping, but the craziness level will be out the roof.

    And two-thirds of family income is now gone—poof, in the twinkling of an eye.

  4. The homeless addicts and psychotics will come down with this en masse. They will be carted off by hazmat teams to occupy all available clinics and hospitals, which will further spread it to medical staff (as is Italy’s nightmare right now). This will doubly limit the care available for many Californians. It’ll be another nightmare.

  5. I think the homeless have better immunities than the indoor dwellers. Think about it. They’re surrounded by bacteria and viruses all day long for years. May need to test hobo blood. lol

  6. If they already have underlying health conditions and lower immunities because of years of bad health choices, they’re no more immune to it than anybody else who hasn’t had it. Possibly they’re more susceptible.

  7. It’s only going to get worse after today’s PC, saying no more than 10 people, no restaurants, bars or school.
    Cities in my state issued orders Saturday no groups over 250, CDC lowers that recommendation yesterday to 50 and today they lowered their number to 50.

    They’re going to turn us all into paupers, it will be a domino effect, restaurant and bar owners can’t make money so they can’t hire plumbers, electricians, HVAC, etc., orders curbed on food, plates, cups, the evil straws and it just travels on.
    Romney wants to give us all $1000, Cotton wants to give us all money to pay our bills and money to small businesses.

    Yep, martial law.

  8. Dear American Jesus,

    this planet is suffering through a crisis of stupidity. Please use your awesome super powers to fix this.

    Giant space rock would do just fine.



  9. I was in two places this morning: Home Depot and Safeway. In both places, I had long conversations with both customers and checkers. EVERYONE’S position was basically this: “We get it! Don’t get the bug – and protect/care for those who do and the elderly. But WHY all the panic? We don’t need to panic! We don’t need to destroy the economy over a damn virus!!. And the FED is stupid!” Okay, I injected comments about the FED and got concurrence regarding the its policies. One 30 year-old male commented, “And the stock market is WAY overvalued anyway!”

    At any rate, the sun is out, the sky is blue and a chilly north wind is blowing and I bought my oldest son a YUGE! rototiller as a birthday present.

    Screw this crap. I’ve got Spring fever and the only cure is planting potatoes!

  10. “…Homeless people are not subject to the order but the state is encouraging them to seek shelter…”

    Probably the highest risk population, not subject to precautionary measures.

    I’m convinced that liberals are self-loathing and have a latent death wish.

  11. WA state has shut down tattoo parlors, barber shops and hair salons and any related business till March 31st. I’d expect this “shelter in place” to be next here.

  12. @MJA, me too.

    @grool, I keep saying I hope Trump has a special ace up his sleeve, this shit can’t go on and after today people are getting a little pissed at him too over the overreaction. I’m sharing this one story that we know is the feelings of many other business owners across the country.

    Restaurant owner I know today made a FB post about how they’re taking extra precautions on cleaning and disinfecting, employees being required to wash their hands several times a day and using a new pair of gloves after serving each customer. Condiments and napkins being removed to behind the counter. No more self serve fountain drinks. They also went on to how the owners and the employees have families and bills to pay and without diners they have no income. They went to explain how drive-thru and pickup would cause them to have to either cut their staff or drastically raise prices. They pointed out the few restaurants in town who have went to drive-thru only and how empty their parking lots are.

    Privately, he told me come November he has no choice as it looks like it will be Trump or Biden, but he’s losing confidence in the President and feels as if he’s allowing the wrong people to lead him in making decisions. That him like many others have a small profit margin and if this lasts even a month small business are going to go out of business. The virus is not going to destroy us, but the decisions by government is going to do damage that will take years to come back from. He closed with how many people are either not going to care by November to bother to vote or how many new people are going to be on government handouts that decide the other side will give them more?

  13. Old Racist White Woman- Understand the frustration of your friend. But Biden will just be a giant reverse into 0bama territory. Plus more, because the swamp now will have have reinforcement.

  14. He knows that, but he also realizes the emotional toll this will take on people. All those people who had not voted in years, might not be so quick to vote this time around. Then we all know when people start feeding at the public trough it’s hard to break them of that habit and they vote for who will keep it filled.
    Biden would be a disaster for this country, even worse than Obama and needs to be prevented, why I say the President needs an ace up his sleeve or we might be living it.

  15. So then Trump needs to come out and say, if you’re not one of the very few extra susceptible groups, you’re likely strong enough to fight it off or not get it at all. Just take reasonable precautions. Don’t shut everything down, get out there, keep going on with your life.

    Wait…if he said that the Left will say he wants millions dead.

  16. Schools are closed….. there’s like kids…..everywhere. Teenagers congregating in parking lots, skateboarders roaming the streets in packs…..small children enjoying themselves at local parks….

    God help us all……

  17. Speaking of schools being closed down, that is probably what will end this shit real damn quick. All these parents stuck with these kids that they can’t take to the zoo, amusement parks, movie theaters, skating, McDonalds, heck even some city parks are putting up signs saying no visitors. 2 or 3 weeks and these parents who use schools as daycares will be rioting.

    I’m already seeing a lot of them on FB complaining that their vacations got cancelled and that they only planned for 2 weeks, not 3, 4, 6 or longer and asking what they’re supposed to do with their kids.

    I would tell them to raise their damn kids is what they do with them, but already skating facebook jail at the moment. lol

  18. One of my brothers lives in SF.He got sent home…..but he got to take his work chair with him.

    That was the company policy. “We can’t expect you to be productive without your work chair.”

    So everyone went home with chairs sticking out of their priuses and subcompacts.

    Go figure. However, he does have hardwood floors so he just scoots around his apartment with cordless headphones.

    Guess it could be worse.

  19. If we don’t start seeing a massive epidemic through the homeless encampments within some short period of time, it ought to be time to call out this hoax.

    It’s a freaking cold virus!


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