Shepherd’s Pie- Bachelor Style – IOTW Report

Shepherd’s Pie- Bachelor Style

I was hungry. There was a can of roasted chicken soup in the pantry. I wasn’t in the mood for brothy soup.

I was about to go out, but I didn’t want to go out. What to do?

There was a box of potato flakes…

Screw it, I poured it into the soup and microwaved it.

Hey, I just discovered the hack for making Shepherd’s pie.

Women, don’t make fun of me. I’m sure this is what you all do.

Next time I bake it into a pie crust.

Any other quick food hacks for spicing up run-of-the-mill pantry items?



69 Comments on Shepherd’s Pie- Bachelor Style

  1. Not that great an idea, but I put a little water in a skillet and throw in a pack of ramen noodles [Without the plastic. Smart asses] along with green onions, chicken or beef, sprouts, sesame oil, curry powder and whatever’s around. Then I add half the seasoning from the ramen package over top. Half, because that stuff is so salty.

  2. It’s cottage pie unless those chickens had wool instead of feathers.
    Caramelized onions: fill up your crockpot in the morning with onions, turn on and go to work. When you get home they are perfect.
    Roast chicken – absolutely fall off the bone.
    Put one in a big crockpot and turn it on before you go to work.
    Perfect roast chicken when you get home.

  3. Hunk of beef.
    Can of beef broth
    Can of mushroom soup
    Salt and pepper
    Dump into a slow cooker in the morning….Fabulous post roast for dinner.
    I do same with pork loin, venison shoulder, wild goose, rabbit…..

  4. 5 minute chocolate cake in a mug. Easy, fast. I use less sugar then he calls for – personal taste.

    This is easy, a kitchen sink meal. Cook rice, whatever kind. Can of red kidney beans, open and heat. As rice is cooking chop onions, tomato, green or hot pepper, grate cheese. Add or subtract any vegy’s chees you like or have in the frig.
    Throw the mess in a bowl. Rice, cover w/beans. Add cheese next so it gets gooey, vegetables. I hesitate to mention these but you can add spouts. Just don’t tell anyone I eat that stuff. I suppose you could do pasta instead of rice and make it a bean chilghetti if you wanted. The DH keeps a couple of cans of Hormel chili for himself. I refuse to eat that crap.

  5. Ok jail cell. Cut pita bread in 1/2. Make sure there are no rips or holes and fill 1/2 with peanut butter. Put in toaster. Eye-rolling good.

    Hard boiled eggs sandwich with butter, salt, pepper.

  6. In a bowl, throw a slice of cornbread in the bottom, two or three spoons of Ranch Style Beans, pull apart half a string cheese and throw that in then more cornbread then some more ranch style beans and the last half of the string cheese and some Parmesan.

  7. Jethro, NO LIE, I had a friend when I was younger that went away (to the “navy” – our code word for jail).
    When I said jail cell recipes THIS is exactly what I was referencing.

    My friend made this IN JAIL, in his cell.
    Every once in awhile he’d make it just to go down memory lane, I guess.

    He did 2 years in Elmira.

  8. Dump a few, preferably two, ingredients in a bowl? Here’s one that’s actually pretty tasty. Take a box of chicken stove-top stuffing mix. Then take one of those large-ish cans of cooked chicken – I don’t remember the actual size but it’s the same shape and holds about twice as much as a large tuna can. Eyeball how much liquid is in the chicken and make up the rest of what the stuffing box says to add and then nuke the whole mess for maybe 20% longer than the directions say.

  9. Throw a tater in the oven (or microwave) till tender. Fluff innards with fork, then a bit of butter and a slice of cheese, let melt. Then mound over with a good tuna salad. Enjoy! You won’t be hungry again for six hours.

  10. This is the saddest thread I have read on this site ever! I assumed you respected food like you respect the constitution. Heck, I’ve heard beer discussions here that were impressive. But when it comes to the basic staple of life you are Brits at heart! 🙂

  11. I worked with a guy who was a 3 time felon….he took a small bag of Doritos and crushed it all up, added one package of top ramen noodles and spice….put it under the tap, added water and then nuked it….he ate it on purpose…

  12. This thread reminds me of one of the funniest stories Keith ever published. For his first ever sailing adventure, he went to the grocery store and stocked up on canned goods in case of emergency. He placed those cans in various lockers on the boat for the day he ran out of food. That day came. quicker than expected, so he opened the first locker with dozens of cans in it and set out to create his supper. There was just one problem…in the moist environs of living on a boat, not nary a can had a label left on it! Hmmmm….which two silver cans shall I open tonight!

    I’ll send Big Fur Hat the story so he can share it here if you want to hear how it ends.

  13. Break up ramen noodles in a bowl, cover with ham slices or any kind of sandwich slices or peperoni, 1/4 cup water, half can of spaghetti sauce, sprinkle with a little garlic powder, nuke 3-5 minutes cover with cheese slices. Nuke 30 seconds, let stand 3 minutes.

  14. My usual micro blasted scrambled eggs, but, couldn’t wait til my bbq pulled pork sammich for lunch – you got it
    Do the eggs in a pyrex and they stay warm for 10 min – even in a 55 degree house – 20secs for the ppk. stir in lightly.

  15. Geoff C. sends this in.

    Baloney “boats”

    Put slice of baloney on plate, cover with a scoop of mashed potatoes, sprinkle with grated cheese — microwave until hot.

    Garnish with half a black olive.

  16. All I have to say is, I’m glad my wife is an excellent cook. Even when we camp, we eat delicious food. I never want to go to jail, and I never want to eat like I’m in jail. Or like I’m a depressed, alcoholic mortician’s apprentice, like I imagine the guy in the videos to be.

  17. Crack 2 eggs onto a dinner plate; stab the yolks. Add a slice or two of baloney, torn into pieces. Add grated cheese, with or without grated fingertips. Add a tbsp. salsa or picante sauce. Stir a bit. Put another plate over it, clamshell style (cleaning a second plate is easier than cleaning a microwave.). Nuke for 3 min or so.

  18. Make an omelet any way you like it while you heat a half dozen or so Hawaiian rolls in the oven. Slice the rolls like a sandwich, throw some cheese on the eggs, and cut the omelet up in pieces the same size or a little bigger than the rolls. Put the pieces in the rolls and add some hot sauce and sea salt. Add some meat if you like.

    Egg & potato burritos are pretty good and easy to make too. You can add all kinds of stuff to them.

    I’m not a very talented cook but this stuff works for me. Campfire cooking is more my style.

  19. I forwarded Admin Girl’s video link (via BFH’s comment) for Stove Top Lasagna to my personal chef, because it looked so good. Lasagna is one of my all-time favorite meals, but it’s a little bit of a production, so I’m thinking I might get this stove top version a little more often. Thanks!

  20. Try pork & beans with sliced-up hot dogs and heat, maybe add a little maple syrup and/or brown sugar for flavor. Sliced carrots soaked in vinegar and apples cut-up and soaked in salt water. Mayonnaise sandwiches and pb&j on saltine crackers and bologna and cheese roll-ups. I have eaten all of the above at one time or another!

  21. Not a hack as much as an upgrade. I work long hours and don’t have it in me to cook during the week.

    Frozen mac & cheese. Nuke for four minutes, crack an egg into it & splash on a dab of cream if you’re going for fancy. Mix in about 1/4-1/3 cup of cheese. Stir very well. Nuke for maybe one to 1.5 minutes longer than directed.

    Filling, cheap, easy and decent protein.

  22. Dump uncooked pasta in bottom of microwavable pan, dump can of spaghetti sauce on top. Nuke it about 5 minutes. Only downside is that pasta turns orange, but no boiling, straining, etc., and a lot less dishes to wash.

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