Sheriff Clarke Denounces a ‘Scam PAC’ Which keeps using his name to solicit donations for a Senate run that isn’t happening – IOTW Report

Sheriff Clarke Denounces a ‘Scam PAC’ Which keeps using his name to solicit donations for a Senate run that isn’t happening

Daily Caller: A shady super PAC denounced by former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke as a “scam PAC” is still using Clarke’s name to solicit donations for a Senate run that Clarke has repeatedly said isn’t happening.

Again and again, Clarke has said that he has no intention of running for federal office. But that hasn’t kept the Draft Sheriff David Clarke for Senate PAC from using Clarke’s name and image to reel in huge amounts of money — even after Clarke denounced the group as a “scam PAC” and advised his supporters to “hang onto your money.”  more here

8 Comments on Sheriff Clarke Denounces a ‘Scam PAC’ Which keeps using his name to solicit donations for a Senate run that isn’t happening

  1. How the hell can they do this? The Sheriff has stated he has nothing to do with this, no ties, hasn’t allowed them to use his name but they can still operate this scam?! Where’s the DOJ or the FBI as that has to cross state lines. They admit to using almost 95% of the damn near 2 million they raised on “operating expenses” and they’re still allowed to run this con. WTF!


    If Christians are brought up to heaven while evil forces play out, that’s a win-win.
    1. Christians would be GLAD to leave all this evil behind.
    2. The evil would be GLAD to see them go.

    Sarsour diverts Texas relief funds to a political PAC.
    Feminists ask for funds for Texas for non-whites only.
    Democrats screw ppl out of their money for a popular Sheriff.

    Beam me up Jesus!

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