Sheriff Dar Leaf Has Proof of 2020 Election Fraud – IOTW Report

Sheriff Dar Leaf Has Proof of 2020 Election Fraud

He has posted 40 files of data on Twitter/X showing massive voter fraud in Michigan. This includes foreign interference with the voting machines in Michigan and other states.

He sent a letter to Jim Jordan on March 17, 2024 (last Sunday) with this snipit regarding the foreign interference:

I have evidence in my file of Serbian foreign nationals
entering our election system while the votes were being counted,
and prior to certification. The election vendor, Dominion, hired
these Serbian employees and disclosed in emails that they are not
able to provide backgrounds on these individuals due to law in
Serbia. It has only been a mere 25 years since conflict involving
Serbia. Therefore, the United States has allowed a scenario where
potentially Serbian military criminals are running our elections
and remotely entering our election equipment.

The four-page letter has much more information. Read it HERE.

13 Comments on Sheriff Dar Leaf Has Proof of 2020 Election Fraud

  1. So, when if proof actual proof? When it’s not America (as it is now)… Made up lies by the commies are now proof here, while actual evidence is purposefully ignored by all in power.


  2. Sheriff Dar Leaf has more integrity than the whole of DC. You can also include any person who aided and abetted the theft of the election leading to the destruction of this country. He appears to be honoring his oath and may very well pay the price for his honesty. Put nothing beyond the evil of those in power. America needs more people like him rather than the corrupt sick people orchestrating America’s downfall. This includes the gutless Republicans who know the truth and do nothing.

  3. As Chuckles The Clown Shooomer would say: “We’ve got seven ways to Sunday to rig elections”

    The fact is, we’re finding out they gots about 2,000 ways to Sunday!!


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