A Candidate for Sheriff in Buncombe County, NC says he is coming for your guns – IOTW Report

A Candidate for Sheriff in Buncombe County, NC says he is coming for your guns

This is the libtarded mountains of Asheville.

 —  R. Daryl Fisher, a candidate for Sheriff in Buncombe county says he is coming for your guns. Didn’t he swear to uphold the constitution?


The dope says, “you know how they say you can get my gun from my cold, dead hands? Okay.”

Then the audience laughs uproariously and applauds and he smirks.


22 Comments on A Candidate for Sheriff in Buncombe County, NC says he is coming for your guns

  1. Linked this earlier. Tipped a few. I want this cock sucker to come confiscate my guns. Personally. There’s a larger warning here. Would this weak sister talk this shit if not emboldened by 16 year olds talking shit? He’s a NWO Nazi in pure form. He deserves what he gets. I’m praying there’s a huge militia contingent that leaves him in a dumpster. Dead.

    Did I mention I was a comedian?

  2. Bold talk for someone talking to a room full of clapping seals. Go downtown into any local pub and tell the guys in there what you just said you’d do.
    If you make it back out of there maybe you’ll get their vote.

  3. I don’t know who or what hails from Buncombe County, but the idea this retard with a microphone and a kitchsy tough guy line he practiced in front of his mirror, drew applause, just publicly advertised to the criminal element:

    “Greetings from Buncombe County! You’re welcome to everything we have, that includes our women and children”.

  4. When I was in college, we went to Asheville to BUY guns (note: I was 23 when I went BACK to finish my degree; my circle of friends there were all over 21).

    Hopefully, voters give him – the CATAPULT. 😡

  5. Even if he was elected, how would he have the authority to ban & confiscate anything and kill the citizen’s that don’t obey him?

    Maybe he didn’t know he was being recorded and was just trying to meet crazy where crazy lives to get it’s vote, but that makes him crazy too.

    Let’s hope this ends any chance of him ever being elected for anything.

  6. Went to Asheville for a conference about ten years ago, it’s a beautiful part of the country, but was soooooo creepy. As grnberet said, full of witches and queers and patchouli and who knows what else. Never wanted to go back.

  7. Dave,

    You said, “Liberals are usually on the receiving end of a gun.”

    The truth is exactly the opposite. This is why we are where we are. If there was some way to ban liberals and democrats from having guns, the USA would be towards the bottom of the gun deaths list per capita.

    When was the last time you heard of a conservative shooting up a school or a church?

  8. Joking about murdering fellow citizens because they disagree with you politically; what other kind of “jokes” will this tyrant dream of once the only armed people are those under his command?

    That fat bastard is a poster boy for why the founding fathers added the 2nd amendment.


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