Sheriff Joe On a Different Kind of Case – IOTW Report

Sheriff Joe On a Different Kind of Case


Undercover sheriff’s deputies arrested a Pennsylvania man on Friday night on suspicion he travelled to Arizona to have sex with a horse. Michael Crawford, 68, landed in Phoenix believing he would meet with a horse owner he’d been corresponding with online, according to a statement released by the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office.

Crawford hoped the fictitious owner would allow Crawford to engage in “perverted” sex acts with an animal, Sheriff Joe Arpaio said at a press conference on Sunday. Crawford posted an ad on a popular website soliciting a willing horse owner, according to the Sheriff’s Office. Investigators in the Animal Crimes Investigations Unit opened the case in October and corresponded with Crawford via email and telephone.



24 Comments on Sheriff Joe On a Different Kind of Case

  1. What an idiot. Oregon already allows this type of thing – even having tourist attractions.

    Remember the guy a few years ago, who had a horse fornicate his ass and it killed him? It was at a ranch that advertised this sort of thing. I think it was Oregon, but it may have been Washington – I confuse the two – as both are cesspits of socialism and perversion.

  2. Kinky Friedman, discussing the wisdom
    of Willie Nelson:

    “Willie gave me some advice: He said,
    ‘If you’re ever going to have sex with an animal, make sure it’s a horse, because
    that way, if things don’t work out, at least you know you’ve got a ride home.’”


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