Bond Fire of the Ninnies – IOTW Report

Bond Fire of the Ninnies


Richard Jones is the Sheriff of Butler County, OH and was an elector this year targeted by desperate leftist trying to intimidate him into changing his vote.  In an act of defiance the Sheriff held a little back yard demonstration of his own and posted it to the internet.


Can this guy run for Boehner’s seat?

4 Comments on Bond Fire of the Ninnies

  1. Sheriff Jones is the Ohio version of Joe Arpaio. Good Guy!
    Remember: The Office of Sheriff is the only law enforcement leader actually elected by the voters of the county. They tend to answer to the people, not the politicians.

  2. Trying to illegally intimidate an Elector who is, wait for it, a SHERIFF.

    And the Left actually deludes themselves into believing they’re smarter than the rest of us.

    Comedy Gold.

    You can’t make up stuff like this.

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