Sheriff Stops Pickup Truck and It’s a Virtual Clown Car of Illegal Immigrants – IOTW Report

Sheriff Stops Pickup Truck and It’s a Virtual Clown Car of Illegal Immigrants

This would be humorous if we didn’t have a crisis at our border.

American Mirror-

The footage, from a cruiser dash cam, shows deputies initially pulled the white four door truck over on northbound Highway 281, about an hour north of the U.S.-Mexico border.

A passenger in the truck poked his head out of the rear passenger door, and the truck then sped away, crossing both northbound lanes to a turnaround across the median. The vehicle continued across two southbound lanes before driving into a field, where passengers began to flee before the vehicle even came to a stop.

Remember, there are no problems on our borders,” Joseph Klein wrote in the comments.

“Nothing to see here,” Bret Chatham added. “No crisis on the border.”

Over the weekend, the video amassed over 6 million views and 8,500 comments, including some from folks who poked fun at the situation.

“Now you know why there was 300,000 of them at the Alamo,” Marc Moore posted. “They had 10 Chevy Impalas.”

“They were just carpooling to register to vote,” Ellen Henderson added.

“I lost count? How many Democrat voters just jumped out of that truck?” Jim Martin wrote.

“That’s when you need one of those horns that sound like a machine gun!!!” Kerri Langley posted.

“It’s almost like we need a wall or something,” Chris Spellman wrote.

Video HERE

17 Comments on Sheriff Stops Pickup Truck and It’s a Virtual Clown Car of Illegal Immigrants

  1. Only counted one woman that I saw. The rest are military and gang age related. This would be funny if it weren’t happening many times a day.

    The Demorats are colluding with mexico and others on this.

  2. Let’s not forget that they steal SS#s and get jobs from our fellow americans. If they can’t find instant work they can just look to the government for handouts to keep them comfortable until they do.
    Every employer who hires them is stabbing his fellow americans in the back.

  3. I once saw about 14 or 15 Russians cram themselves into a larger BMW sedan at CDA Lake in N. Idaho after they’d finished swimming for the day at a local state park. They were crammed everywhere including a few in the trunk, I couldn’t believe that they were that stupid. We used to do that sneaking into drive in movies, we’d stuff as many of us as possible into a car just to save a little money.

  4. Makes no difference…they are in the so called country and are protected by Law and Democrats…why bother trying to round them up…makes no sense. Soon, they will be rounding you up when The Left takes power so worry about that…no one seems to understand that The Left is slightly sub human in that it cannot grasp reality so structures its own and pretends outrage, care, empathy and love so that they are not recognized…they walk among us, are insane and will kill millions in the blink of an eye when enough power is gained..


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