But, then again, I am a retard.
Oh my goodness this is an absolute train wreck.
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) September 13, 2024
Reporter: What are your specific plans to bring down prices?
Kamala: "I grew up a middle class kid… I grew up in a neighborhood of folks who were very proud of their lawn. Ya know?"pic.twitter.com/lhOdWoygy2
It’s a rare pol who doesn’t ignore a direct question and instead answers his/her own preferred question. Kakala is one of the rarities because she doesn’t answer even her own questions, she robotically opens her mental dictionary and randomly reads entries.
President Trump is the other, good, kind of rarity. If you ask him a question, he answers your question.
Middle class my White ass…
“opens her mental dictionary and randomly reads entries.‘
Well said!
Them thumb fists slay me. I want four years of that action, baby. And I can’t get enough of that nasally voice, especially when she makes it sound like she’s about to cry. Mmm, mmm, mmmm…
If they can kill him they believe her answers don’t matter.
Hee-Haw Harris is not presidential material, but she would make an excellent mule skinner.
… her mental dictionary
I’m guessing that’s a real short read!
Thirdtwin – Them thumb fists slay me. I want four years of that action, baby
Don’t fergit Tampon Tim… that asshole acts like he’s had a few shots of Jack, then walked into a spider web!!
She grew up in an upper class neighborhood in Canada. Lying c@nt.
I want you to imagine this idiot negotiating with Putin or Sum Yung Fatboy in NOKO. Give that some thought and try to get to sleep tonight
Kammy, you ignorant slut, answer the damn question, sheeeit.
Harry, do you remember the old comic strip in Mad Magazine called Scenes we’d like to see, I’d like to see tampon timmy running spastically, arms flailing all over, full bore, drunk as a skunk straight into Shelob’s spider web. Preferably drawn by Don Martin.
It’s amazing the number of people who are snookered by the media and celebrities into thinking Harris is a viable candidate. I just keep reminding them that Old Joe is sharp as a tack.
@ Wild Bill
Sharpe as a tack on every network until two days later, when he was kicked to the curb. I would have loved to see that moment when he got the news that his tack was dull.
Please God, let there be a recording of that moment released.
Shame is not one of their strong suits.
Geoff- yup!
BTW I will be seeing Robert Crumb in a couple weeks!
Middle class people are inordinately proud of our lawns according to this cocksucker? Do I have that right? The whore says she grew up in a middle class neighborhood where people were very proud of their lawns? So the prostitute claims from the position the tricks she turned gained her, to know something about the middle class. A poor girl selling pussy to get by is more understandable than an upper economic level ginch selling pussy (and related orifices) for personal gain. But whom am I to say, I’m just a mid level deplorable.