She’s No Moose – IOTW Report

She’s No Moose


How on earth is Melania going to up her elegance in order to get into this class?


Keep trying, Melania.

One day.

ht/ annie

25 Comments on She’s No Moose

  1. Well, let’s see…are people avoiding commenting on this article because they’re not quite sure where BFH is coming from?? I’ll start. China: good country for the woman (in the 2-piece off-white ensemble) to go back to; Cuba: good country for the woman (in the black and blue dress) to go back to. Melania, who drips with class and elegance, is a beautiful, intelligent representative for THIS country.

  2. Grace, beauty, class and a positive countenance can shine through no matter the clothing. That is why you could dress Mooch up in the most exquisite gown in the world, and she still wouldn’t be able to look good. Melania, on the other hand, would still look gorgeous in burlap.

  3. Honestly, they could dress her in anything and she would shine – it’s the smile, or hint of one, instead of a steady rip-you-a-new-one scowl. She doesn’t look pissed off all the time, what a relief.

  4. I never knew quite what to make of the former FLOTUS. I don’t think she knew what to make of herself, either. She was a con artist, certainly. She hated the idea of America, certainly. I don’t think she was a deep thinker, really. Quite shallow and self-absorbed; a “what’s in it for me, me, me, ME?!” approach. Sad and despicable for such an important position.

    I can think of no better, additional expression of this sort of fairy tale election than that our First Lady is not only wonderful to behold, she was an immigrant who embodied all the best things about coming to America. The former FLOTUS was an immature brat who was contemptuous of her American birth, and it showed. My hope is she finds luxury in other countries preferable and I won’t be hearing anymore of her.

  5. Easy Peasy!
    A little hormone replacement therapy. Pump some iron. A whack in the mug with a shovel. Get dressed by a colorblind bag lady. and there you have it

  6. I’m thankful that Melania will never embarrass us like the Mooch did. There’s never a scowl on her face, never saying a words against America, and Melania always shows class. I grateful and thankful for her and Donald. For once in the past 8 years I am at peace with whose in the White House.

  7. Abigail Adams….What exactly is the important position of the first lady?….the frothing image of Michelle as being important is just stupid….I don’t believe anybody voted for a first lady…..

  8. @WillyGoatsGruff — The position is one of immense visibility as an ambassador of the U.S. to the rest of the world. No, it’s not elected, but it is an American tradition starting with Martha. And as you rightly point out, the position can add real good to the nation and make us proud or it can bring embarrassment and shame to the country.

  9. @WillyGoatsGruff — It’s an American tradition starting with Martha and very important one as ambassador to the rest of the world on behalf of our nation. As others have pointed out, the former FLOTUS was an embarrassment and shame to the U.S. Not arguing that it’s not an elected position and wasn’t defending the former First Lady as representing her position as FLOTUS, well. But a great First Lady can be an amazing asset. Jacqueline Kennedy was beloved in this country and around the world, for example.

  10. Abigale Adams…. This “position” has lost it’s way because of Hillary and Michelle and even Laura Bush. Did many people hear from Bess Truman or Mamie Eisenhower?….Jackie Kennedy and the press got this shit ball running and Jackie had the IQ of a gnat, but looked good naked….

  11. Here’s MY ideal job….President’s husband who has to guide my 10 to 12 cooking guru’s how to cook my ribeye, chicken piccata, eggs benedict with some bloody mary’s….slow smoked ribs,butt and brisket… that point I believe I can make allowances for keeping the highways clean…..”Women President”….I know Brad will be here eventually…

  12. You cannot know how pleased I was when Mrs. Trump led off with a prayer at a rally. I admit, I teared up. It was so refreshing to my soul after 8 years of the America hating koranimal and his angry, control freak hermaphrodite wife.

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