She’s Right – IOTW Report

She’s Right

20 Comments on She’s Right

  1. Grool I use “clipgrab” to download videos and this one downloaded just fine. FYI I use a linux mint OS and run clipgrab on it. I don’t use windows anymore so I can’t be sure if clipgrab is or works with windows OS. I seem to recall that it does. When you right click on the video and “copy url address” clipgrab jumps up and asks if you want to save it.

  2. What a great laundry list! What a great indictment of… the Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad, Lap-dog Media! First off, I do expect Politicians to be corrupt. I don’t want them to be and they should be impeached and prosecuted for it, but let’s face it, most of the time it comes along with the package. On the other hand I do expect the Media to be the Watchdogs they tell us they are to tell us the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and no spin!
    I DON’T expect the Media to ignore, excuse and lie for a bunch of permanently imbedded crooks and be their partner in crime! So when the pitch-forks and torches come out, let’s make sure not forget about these professional manipulators of public opinion and save a little anger for them! They deserve it!

  3. I have several non-techy non-internet friends that I take interesting subjects to on a thumb drive to play on their TVs. This one strikes true and clarifies just what’s wrong with many of my neighbors who suffer from chronic truth resistance spread by MSM & cable TV.

  4. The difference between a Politician and a Business man:

    Donald Trump and Jackass Joe wound up in the same barber shop. Each being worked on by a different barber, not a word was spoken. The barbers were even afraid to start a conversation, for fear it would turn to politics.
    As the barbers finished up, the one who had Jackass Joe in his chair reached for the aftershave. Jackass Joe was quick to stop him saying, โ€œNo thanks, my wife Jill will smell that and think Iโ€™ve been in a whorehouse all day.โ€
    The second barber turned to Trump and said, โ€œHow about you sir?โ€ Trump replied, โ€œGo ahead; my wife doesnโ€™t know what the inside of a whorehouse smells like.โ€

  5. I’ll take a good old fashioned gal with brains any day of the week over a libtard chick any day. I got lucky and married the girl next door because our paths crossed many times as we were both growing up and I am thankful for it and so are our 3 kids. I only wish she could’ve seen our 5 grandkids, my 4 granddaughters and my newest grandson who should be here by the end of the week with the name of Holden Malcom, God speed little guy we are all anxious to meet you and welcome you to your new life. My daughter has Aunt duty all week watching and babysitting her 2 young nieces while the baby is getting ready to be born.

  6. What if all of that were not true?

    If all of that were not true Joe Biden would not have any appeal to the Democrats. That is what. The simple fact is that followers of the progressive movement are not interested in cleaning up corruption, they are interested in being able to profit from corruption. I have posted here in the past that the best true Constitutional conservatives have to offer those who oppress others is pity. Progressives, irrespective of whether they identify as socialist/Marxists, Democrats or as establishment Republicans, envy the power of those who oppress and want that power for themselves. Anyone who fails to recognize that this is the dynamic in play does not understand the fundamental nature of followers of the progressive movement

  7. Geoff the Aardvark — You’ve mentioned your late wife many times before in the years we’ve been on IOTWReport. I don’t think I’ve ever told you how sorry I am for your loss. I was widowed in my late twenties, my husband was also young but we’d been married for ten years, so I understand the depth of that experience.

    Many believe our departed loved ones look down on us from Heaven, though I’ve never read anything in the Bible that confirms that. And since they don’t turn into angels, I don’t think they do. I’m not even sure they’re mindful of what we could be doing down here. Maybe they are, but I don’t know. I’d hate to think they feel any obligation to keep us in mind beyond wanting us to make it to Heaven.

    But a friend and I had a good laugh the other day about all that I’m writing here. Her husband was also young when he died. We were talking about the end of days and the rapture, and I wondered if we got our new spiritual bodies on the way up to Heaven (meeting Jesus in the clouds) or if it occurred in Heaven, proper. Because, I told her, if it’s the latter, our earlier departed husbands will be A LOT younger than us! We’d look like their mothers! And if we live another decade or so on earth, we’ll look like their grandmothers!

    My friend and I were in stitches as we speculated on the obvious problems of such an age difference. Then she jumped up and, mimicking an old woman walking with a walker, smiling with a wicked leer and a wink, she said, “Do you wanna do it, baby?!”

    Just thought I’d share that to make you laugh. There’s so much more to come that will remain a mystery until it’s all revealed. Pretty exciting when you think about it.

  8. I personally think that we’ll get to meet the real person inside each of us that God intended us to be before we were born into a sinful world. It’ll be very interesting to say the least. And I also hope that God will allow all of our dogs into Heaven as well to spend eternity with us.


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