She’s Studied It and It’s “Scary” – IOTW Report

She’s Studied It and It’s “Scary”

If she’s studied Project 2025 I will chew off my own foot in Macy’s Window wearing a Little Bo Peep outfit.

13 Comments on She’s Studied It and It’s “Scary”

  1. “It’s scary and frightening”
    Okey Dokey then… there ya have it!
    Aaaaaaaaannd if the school bus has anything to do with it, she’s just another Commie Apparatchik indoctrinating our next generation.

  2. I took a look at Project 25 – because Biden said I should! In fact I googled it, even.
    It is a very comprehensive plan, I think I saw that it was something like 900 pages of information. It was written by a variety of conservatives, many of whom worked under Trump during his administration. Much of it will be implemented, because it mirrors what Trump has in mind. He might even find something he likes in there that he hadn’t considered.
    Of course when the Left says to google it, what they want you to do is not read the actual plan but to find scaremongering articles about it that don’t actually include the information but instead a ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ photo and something like ‘THEY WILL FORCE YOU TO HAVE BABBIES!!!’
    Nothing new under the sun.

  3. LCD – She said ” I’ve read it, I’ve studied it.”
    The correct follow-up question should have been: “How many pages is it?”
    10 to 1 sez she hasn’t got a flippin clue!

  4. They’re like the Borg. You can find this same bull shit all over I.G. right now. “I’ve read it. I’ve studied it”. Oh cool, an authority on Project 2025.
    You should have read Agenda 47. That’s Trumps agenda.

  5. It’s some what ironical that it’s always the butt ugly women and lesbians that are worried about being able to kill their babies. Like the troll in the video. No guy could ever get that drunk.


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