She’s Trying To Make It a Thing- Unibrows – IOTW Report

She’s Trying To Make It a Thing- Unibrows

What do you think guys?

Did she see Dodgeball?

ht/ petrus

36 Comments on She’s Trying To Make It a Thing- Unibrows

  1. I had a hippie aunt who didn’t shave her pits. I was maybe 10 when my favorite Uncle married her and even at that age I thought that it was pretty gross. This girl kind of reminds me of that. As much as I love my aunt, some ideas are just bad.

  2. It’s her gimmick. Without the eyebrow, she would just be another pretty face. She really looks like one of my neices who, bty doesn’t do her pits or legs but does her brows.

  3. ‘Trying to start a trend’ aka ‘My eyebrows grow in super frickin fast and I hate plucking them and I’m afraid to wax so I’m just gonna give up.’

    [actually, that last one I can relate to, my eyebrows are really dark and grow in very fast, but I still brave the tweezers.]

  4. It’s interesting to me that adults can be as mean as grade school kids about a persons natural look. Read her story all the way through. She gave up on plucking (it’s a lot of constant work for us hairier nationalities; treatments are expensive and painful) and decided she can live with the criticism. Good for her. I am sure the rest of you are perfect specimens in every way and if not do everything within you power to constantly try to achieve that goal. If not screw you for picking on her for being comfortable with what God gave her.

  5. Save it Anonymous.
    She’s a model remember? If she just said F’it and stayed home that’s one thing but asking me to accept and approve is another. She took time to dye her hair, put on mascara, lipstick and whatever else and probably shaved the rest of her body. She gets no pass from me.

  6. About a decade ago some friends introduced me to a very nice Mexican 18 year old, who was visiting. He had a unibrow and absolutely hated it. He kept it trimmed.


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