Shetopia – IOTW Report



Welcome to #Shetopia; an imagined place made by and for women. Here women and men are working together for a better world where no one is short-changed or cut-off. This film celebrates self-made women everywhere in the name of the brand’s self-made founder, Sally Hansen.

@ladiesgetpaid, Founder Of Ladies Get Paid
@simplycyn, Attorney/Lifestyle Blogger
@the12ishstyle, Founder of The 12ish Style
@enialuko, Footballer for Chelsea L.F.C.
@abenton, CEO of NewME Accelerator
@huntforstyles, Retail Bargain Hunter
@jessicahaggett, Founder of The Litas
@saramaijewels, International Model
@jaclynrjohnson, CEO of Create Cultivate



First starting this video I thought it was meant to show a reverse roles situation, but now I feel like it’s just putting men down in the process of empowerment…. Men don’t need to be overshadowed for women to be empowered and strong.
Oh look, another company pushing a wage gap that has been long since disproved…..
And how about the opposite side of that coin? You know, where men are more likely to be jailed and for longer sentences, or the struggles they have to get any rights in custody battles? Didn’t see a bunch of women being called sexist and misandrists. Or how boys are stifled in school settings because the school systems favor female behavior. Where were all the women struggling with those issues?
Sure, let’s ignore biology and the role it plays in human behavior. This video is appropriately titled, as such a world could never exist.
Would never work woman can’t agree with each other on trivial things let alone important issues.

25 Comments on Shetopia

  1. *yawn* Another advertiser that is trying to leverage so-called “trends,” yet who is obviously out of touch with what’s really going on in the minds of most American women. I just love the way this commercial makes all men look like cucks. Let’s see gals…which one of these cucks do you want to marry someday? Which one do you hope to have and to hold, to father your children, to be by your side in good times and in bad? Is any one of these beta males good enough? Yah, I didn’t think so. Enjoy your loneliness, ladies.

  2. Yeah, right. Where does the power and water come from in shetopia? do we have all gals running the power, drinking water, and sewage treatment plants? Not in a million years. How about auto mechanics, road paving, all carpentry, electrical systems — all women, too? Someone needs to put away the weed and the pills

  3. Why is it the roles of woman are reversed to man, yet the women still crave nail polish? Shouldn’t the men be getting pampered in a parlor with painted nails?

  4. I think I just threw up in my mouth.

    Is this ad saying that only in Shetopia can women ride motorcycles, get their shoes shined, hold political office, hold corporate positions, and lift weights?

  5. That would work until one woman got mad at another, that one whines to another, and pretty soon the whole place is a boiling sesspool of rage.
    Sounds good, I’ll bring the popcorn.

  6. If women ran the world there’d be so much drama going down that nothing would ever get completed. Two male co workers get mad at each other, it’s … “fuck you”. “No, FUCK YOU”. Then they both go back to working. Two women will need an HR intervention and sensitivity class before returning to work.

  7. Anyone who thinks the world would be a better place if women ran it, obviously never worked anyplace with 3 or more female employees. I supervised a division with about 70% to 30% ratio of men to women. That 30% took about 90% of my time dealing with “interpersonal” issues.

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