Shhh! Let them keep digging that hole – IOTW Report

Shhh! Let them keep digging that hole

Because it’s rude to interrupt.


WaPo: Top 4 Dumbest Ways Democrats Are Blowing the 2018 Midterms.

The indictment of the Democratic Party in the Washington Post comes from a surprising source: liberal columnist Dana Milbank.

Democrats are blowing a once-in-a-decade opportunity to beat back Republican gains in the House and Senate, according to liberal Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank.

To illustrate his point, Milbank ranks the top four dumbest moves Democrats have made in recent weeks to hinder their own chances of success in next year’s midterm elections.  read more

13 Comments on Shhh! Let them keep digging that hole

  1. Tom Perez was mean to Jeff Flake.

    Some congress lady said Pelosi should step down.

    Bernie Sanders Medicare thing is dumb.

    Tom Steyers “Impeach Trump” thing is stupid.

    Brilliant, Bubble Boy, you nailed it.

  2. Well they certainly aren’t alone! The GOP is blowing the opportunity of a lifetime. They CONTROL the HOUSE, SENATE and PRESIDENCY.

    However, like a Junior High School click, they are acting like petulant, petty, infantile buttholes, because a non-‘click’ member was elected leader.

  3. ◾You complained you didn’t have the House, so we gave it to you.
    ◾You complained you didn’t have the Senate, so we gave it to you.
    ◾You complained you didn’t have the White House, so we gave it to you.

    NOW, you are complaining the WRONG Republican is in the White House.

    Nope. Steve Bannon is right. We just need better Republicans. Good bye flake and corker, and all the rest who will go down with them.

  4. They expect to gain popular support when they elevate race baiting stooges like Kieth Ellison and Tom Perez?
    If you glance at their stable of “leaders” is there anyone that stands out as an articulate spokesman? The party has been whittled down to a crowd of unpersuasive and angry gasbags. That’s very fortunate for us because we field very few statesmen ourselves lately, just not quite as pathetic.

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