Shia LaBeouf Gets Anger Management After Racist Rant Against Georgia Cops – IOTW Report

Shia LaBeouf Gets Anger Management After Racist Rant Against Georgia Cops



DailyCaller- Shia LaBeouf pleaded guilty Thursday in a Georgia courtroom following his arrest for public drunkenness and he must now enter anger management therapy for his racist rant against the arresting Savannah Police officers.

The 31-year-old actor pleaded guilty to one count of obstruction, pleaded no contest to a count of disorderly conduct and pleaded not guilty to charges of public drunkenness, according to Reuters. In addition to the anger management course, LaBeouf must serve 100 hours of community service, probation for one year, enter an alcohol and drug evaluation, and pay $2,000 in fines for the incident.

The sentence follows LaBeouf’s arrest in June after he reportedly became “aggressive towards” an officer in the early morning hours while he was filming “The Peanut Butter Falcon.”  The actor reportedly got upset when he asked someone for a cigarette and that person refused. An officer was nearby when the incident occurred.  MORE

18 Comments on Shia LaBeouf Gets Anger Management After Racist Rant Against Georgia Cops

  1. I imagine his fellow participants in AM class won’t tolerate his in your face, spittle laden chants of outrage longer than 2 secs before the beat down.

    OT I just witnessed a mind blowing event. Tuned into periscope from a twitter post. It was One America telethon for hurricane victims. Sam Cooke was on & he was riffing before singing Imagine.
    Every Pres & wife in attendance. He went down the list acknowledging each one. Called Bush 1 Papa & Barbara momma. Next noted Carter pronounced Cartair.
    Got to obama, and I quote, “hello Barry *pause* that’s your name isn’t it?”
    BO forced a smile, slowly nodded and he was seething.
    I can die happy now.

  2. I swear that’s what Lee Greenwood who was emcee said after his performance. I’ll do a google and check line up. (Older black man)
    Whoever he was, he’s my hero.

  3. Savannah is a big tourist destination for Georgia. The police there are very aware of how they can influence that image and screw things up for the city. If you manage to get them to hook you up and book you into jail you probably had to work at it.

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