Shill Nye The Science Guy Says Global Warming Causes Terrorism – IOTW Report

Shill Nye The Science Guy Says Global Warming Causes Terrorism

Yes, the Farooks are just overzealous environmentalists, fundamentalist environmentalists, if you will.

As idiotic as you think this is, our current president is parroting the same talking points as this moron.

By the way, fake burping, or digestive disruption tics, when a person is lecturing, is a tell.

It means the person is full of sh!t. And Bill Nye is displaying a plethora of tics in this clip.


41 Comments on Shill Nye The Science Guy Says Global Warming Causes Terrorism

  1. It’s all programmed helplessness. The argument is ‘We can’t do anything to these poor people. What they do is not their fault. They will stop only when the waters recede and it cools off. So we have to just sit here and do nothing.’
    I have witnessed some incredible statements, particularly in the past couple of days. And essentially they are saying this.

  2. This is what he wants though. Consider diesel runs the equipment that runs the farms. No more burning diesel at these farms so it’s a net positive for the world, right? I mean, we’re at least doing something.

  3. He is right about the ‘disaffected youth’ part. In fact the worst creation of disaffected youth is Western countries taking them from their homes and shoving them into a culture they didn’t ask for and in which they cannot find work. So they sit, bored, on welfare, and feeling useless. That is true, and it doesn’t surprise me when many get violent. And it is the fault of the West. But it has nothing to do with CO2 output.

  4. Can somebody inform this imbecile that is tie is on too tight. The Middle East is a freaking desert. Has been, always will be. Since when have countries in the middle east been big exporters of crops and food stuffs?

    Somebody might want to tell Nye that the Israelis handed over greenhouses galore to the so-called Palestinians when they gave up part of Gaza. Profitable operations and what did the Palestinians do with them? They looted them, destroyed them and then used them to build tunnels to add to their terror network.

    Low info mofos now walking around thinking Middle East filled with oasis and palm trees in which to get lots of farming done. Thanks Bill Lie, I mean Nye.

  5. But the universe is cold. Without the glowing orbs of fire we call stars, the planets that orbit around them would not get warm. If the planets did not get warm there would be no farming. So, one can argue that global warming causes farming. I figured all this out and I don’t even own a bow tie.

  6. Well, he actually hit the nail on the head. But only in the sense that a broken clock is right twice a day.

    The myth of anthropomorphic Global warming has become an article of faith for the Nature Cults. Some faiths inspire acts of selflessness and charity. Other faiths demand human sacrifice. Islam, when taken literally seems to be one of those faiths the require the true believer to sacrifice human life. The Nature Cult of Global Warming is the same. If taken to its logical conclusion people must be murdered (do you really need the dots connected?) to “save the world”.

    Religious Zeal in false god(s) results in mass murder Bill. As a High Priest for one such cult you look for any way to further your nature gods’ cause. The very sad thing Bill is you don’t realize what you have become.

    The likes of Bill Nye often marvel about how the Pope & Church could have imprisoned Galileo while at the same time playing the part of the Church as they run an Inquisition against any global warming skeptics.

  7. I did some very brief poking around, and learned that significant parts of the Middle East experienced a vast drought, perhaps due to climate change, about 4,200 years ago. As we all know, this was the time period in which Ford came out with the Edsel and shortly after introduced the eary Mustangs, and coal fired factories were churning out early generation iPhones for the nomads and ancient city dwellers. If you look closely, you can still see the remains of primitive cell towers on the Great Pyramid.

    I may have some of my history mixed up and the time periods involved may not be exact, but being progressive means I actually need no accurate information upon which to base any opinion.

  8. Yeah, because nothing says “settled science” like “Bill Nye — Speed Walker Guy!” Hey, it’s a great gig if a comedian can get it, right? Look what Stuart Smalley did for his state!

    “It’s SPEED WALKER, the physically fit superhero! He fights crime while maintaining strict adherence to the regulations of the international speed walking association! Heel, toe! Heel, toe! Speed Walker!!”


  9. For decades people have come out of the bush in South America, as well as other continents, looking for work in the cities. Without skills they wind up living in cardboard boxes, but you don’t see ‘ em going “Full Muzlim” on everything as a result!!

  10. Yo, phony science dude, do you know what “proof” is? Ever heard of cause and effect? Can you “prove” causality?

    Just because the sun sets after I have dinner EVERY SINGLE EVENING does NOT “prove” that my having dinner has anything, whatsoever, to do with the sun setting.

    Can you see how that works, Bill?

    Your foolish assertion is tantamount to proclaiming that the sun sets because you have dinner. You are a fool.

    Eat shit and Die.

  11. This guy always bothered me. I don’t know what it is (except the obvious) but there’s something…There’s something nasty in his background no one has found out yet. Mark my words, this dude is doing something or someone that no one is supposed to know about.

  12. Bill Nye, former fraud science guy, now acting as bullshit politics guy.

    ESAD, Bill Nye !

    Picture Bill’s outsized head hanging by its hair from the hand of a “disaffected youth” that is muslim.

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