Shingles Cited As a Possible Side Effect of Pfizer Vaccine – IOTW Report

Shingles Cited As a Possible Side Effect of Pfizer Vaccine

Sarah Westfall

Attorney Tom Renz at Clay Clarks ReAwaken America Tour hits it out of the park again by laying out another series of major data bombshells yet to be released to the public. He states that the key take away from his NUREMBURG 2.0 IN AMERICA – IT IS TIME” presentation is that “these shots are dangerous and our elected officials, AG’s, and prosecutors MUST take action.”

He goes on to explain how Pfizer and the FDA are busy trying to keep the contents of their vaccine data protected for 79 years, but some is still being released at a snail pace of 500 pages per month. Those first batches are exposing some damning facts – just imagine what the entire content of their report contains!

From the first batches that have been released, Renz and his team have found some incredible information, including that the Pfizer mRNA shot has the potential side effect of Herpes. More

It’s the type of herpes that causes shingles and it’s been noticed by dermatologists. Here

31 Comments on Shingles Cited As a Possible Side Effect of Pfizer Vaccine

  1. I came down with shingles 12 days ago.
    I have not been vaxxed but I have had covid.

    I am in the demo to be susceptible for shingles.
    Over 50, had chicken-pox.
    They say 1 in 3 in that demo get shingles.

    There is a vax for it.
    After having both covid and shingles now, I wish I had gotten vaxxed…FOR SHINGLES.

  2. It started with what felt like bruising on my right side, upper abdominal rib cage area.
    The outer skin didn’t hurt, it felt like the skin just above the muscle tissue but not the top layer.
    The pain persisted and started to wrap around to my back.
    It felt like I was tackled by a linebacker.
    A rash developed and it burns at all times.
    Hard to get in to a good sleeping position.
    They say it can take weeks to clear.

    Has anyone else on iotw had shingles?
    I didn’t get chicken-pox until I was 20, that was very painful as well.

  3. @Loco
    I had shingles many years ago when I was 30. Upper chest area. Terrible pain for 4-6 weeks. Slept sitting up. Took two 222’s (long time ago) every four hours. Caught it in time when it flared up again 30 years later on my neck. Doc prescribed antiviral immediately… something that started with a Z, I think…

  4. It may be that both covid and the “vax” have long lasting effects to your health.
    I know covid fucked me up for a long while.

    They also say that shingles hits when your immune system is depleted.
    The past few winters have been hard on me, I’ve had walking pneumonia, covid, and now shingles.
    December sucks for LOCO!

  5. That is the trap -shingles sucks what are the natural remedies oh nothing turn to big pharma and feel
    good. Justify they have value. No thanks. They didn’t start dangerous vaccines on Covid look up shingles lawsuits. Just look at autism and autoimmune disease and the rise of childhood vaccination.

  6. Cuz, covid is real and shingles are real.

    The covid vax is new as hell, hasn’t really been tested long term and may actually kill you.
    The shingles vax has been around and presumably works.

    Only one of those is DEMANDED by the federal government.
    I’m not anti-vax, I am anti-MANDATE.

  7. I have an aversion to shots after the military turned me into a pincushion. In the last 40 years I’ve had one steroid shot for tennis elbow, and a couple of tetanus shots when I nicked myself. Otherwise I give my immune system carte blanch on all foreign invaders.

  8. I asked my PCP of almost 40 years about the shingles vax a couple of years ago. He said that from his experience that the shingles shots weren’t worth the trouble. No side effects to worry about, but he didn’t see any reduction in the number of his patients getting shingles. Also, his 30 year old PA, who had had the shingles vax, got the shingles anyway.

  9. @Loco, my husband has had shingles twice, once in his late twenties, he had some nerve surgeries on his arm. They told him after you have chicken pox, it attaches to nerve endings and that’s why it’s usually old people that get it and that the nerve surgery probably woke it up.
    It was on his rib cage and he could hardly breathe, that was years ago and they gave him some kind of pill that you dissolved in water and then soaked a bandage in it and put it on it.

    Then in his early 50’s he had it again, this time on his lower back, they gave him some kind of pill to take orally, pain pills and lidocaine patches. This time it didn’t hurt as bad and went away a lot quicker.
    This time they said because he had already had shingles he was more susceptible. The weird thing is he had helped an old lady go get groceries and she had shingles and then 3 or 4 days later he started breaking out.

    I hope I never get them.

  10. Loco
    “Cuz, covid is real”
    Covid is real, it’s the treatment that’s killing people and making the hospitals $BILLIONS.

    For relief for skin things try Bag Balm. I don’t know about shingles, but it does work great on dry skin and keep your hands and feet from cracking. A little goes a long way.

  11. Just the FACT that pharma has been coordinating efforts to make it difficult to make a fully informed decision negates the immunity from liability they THINK they enjoy.

    Within a few years late night televisions will be one advert after another for lawyers representing pseudo vaccine victims

  12. Son-in-law had shingles about 18 months ago, bad news took months to recover, has some permanent eye damage. Made a believer out of my wife. Currently, shingles vax is 2 shots. When I had the vax five years ago, it was only one shot. Old vax is said to be 50% effective, new vax is better, I don’t know by how much. I got covid last year (very mild case), so far, no shingles.

  13. Yeah, I don’t know about giving chicken pox, I’ve heard it but don’t know how true it is. The first time he had shingles I was worried about that because one of our kids was a baby. None of them caught chicken pox.
    A few years later my daughter caught chicken pox at school, it then went through the other two kids as well.

    They told him he didn’t get the shingles the second time from the old lady, that it isn’t possible, but it was still odd that he got them after being around her.

    As for the shingle shot I considered getting it because he was miserable that first time he had shingles, but then I changed my mind after some friends and family members got the shot and then still got shingles. Not all of them, but enough that I decided I’d just chance it.

    I’m not anti-vaccine for certain vaccines, but things they push hard make me a little leery, like the flu vaccine and the shingles vaccine.

    Now because I don’t trust them I won’t be getting any shots because I don’t want to risk they’ll slip me the death jab. I keep hoping I don’t cut myself, because it’s been awhile since I got a tetanus. Which btw that ticks me off that they won’t give you a plain tetanus anymore.

  14. People who have been in cancer remission have lost their immunity after RONA vaccination, then died of recurrence of their cancers. Think of shingles as chicken pox in remission.


  15. I had Covid in July, (never vax’d, never will be) then I got shingles in October. Very bad case, right side of my face, including my right eye. Mine started as numbness on my head and face, then two days later (on a train on my way to Chicago for a convention), my right eye felt like I had a migraine inside the eyeball. Went to an urgent care in Chicago, young PA asked a few questions and said, “you have shingles.” Never even considered it. I actually thought I might have had a stroke. Had to sit in my hotel room for three days, in massive pain, before taking the train home and being miserable for about another week.
    I had cancer in 1999, and I was vaccinated for shingles when I was going through chemo, but I’ve learned now, that the vaccine back then was only about 30% effective.

  16. I want to thank everyone for telling their stories about shingles.
    Damn, nco77, they say it can cause blindness when it erupts around the eyes.

    When I first got them I was pretty scared and miserable.
    I’m still in pain but hoping by Christmas I will feel better.
    – Loco


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