‘Shirley Jackson-Lee’ – IOTW Report

‘Shirley Jackson-Lee’

This clip hasn’t gotten enough attention. Psaki said yesterday Biden has no plans to do a press conference. None. This is why. Dementia plus two brain surgeries. When his cerebellum is functioning, his mouth doesn’t work.

29 Comments on ‘Shirley Jackson-Lee’

  1. I for one can’t wait until Dementia Joe’s scrambled brains come out and he says something that reveals what a horrible racist the dude actually is. Actual, unfiltered comments about his real thoughts about blacks. That will truly be fun.

  2. The bloody idiot doesn’t even know what planet he’s on. It wouldn’t be funny in most cases, but in the case of this asshole I find it absolutely hilarious

  3. And this guy has has his finger on the nuke button. Hope the military still has a functional Command and Control System with The replacement of competent officers and the new Sec “D” and the Stand Down for Wokeness and White extreamists. God Help us!!

  4. Kamala: Can’t let them see how happy I am…can’t let them see me smile…bad optics they say…hold it all in they tell me…when the “thing” is done…then you can smile…a little.

  5. This idiots always been a little slow. There’s bloopers from him back in the 80’s. Yea, he’s lost a step or two. But he wasn’t very bright to start with.

  6. Dementia is serious stuff….BUT….as long as they want to parade Joe in front of us and try to pretend that all is normal, we have the right to point out his faults and make fun of it.

  7. We all know he’s just a child molesting sock puppet with dementia. Susan Rice is running our nation.

    Most scary: there is no one cognizant ready to launch nukes in retaliation to an attack. Taiwan, Japan and Australia: get nukes and quick, or your asses will be China’s.

  8. @Anonymous March 2, 2021 at 9:27 pm

    “…Susan Rice is running our nation…”

    I disagree. Susan Rice is nothing but a foot soldier, following orders from her boss(es). Valerie Jarrett is a major factor, in addition to Chairman Xi. The common connection to all these players is Hussein Oblowme.


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