Shock Videos: Meet Ray Buckley, Who Might Actually Become the Chairman of the Democratic Party – IOTW Report

Shock Videos: Meet Ray Buckley, Who Might Actually Become the Chairman of the Democratic Party

Breitbart: The Democratic National Committee is struggling to find new leadership after the party’s massive loss in November’s election, as virtually all of the top candidates for DNC chairman bring their own baggage from scandals or embarrassing moments that could tarnish the party’s brand.

One rising prospect, New Hampshire Democratic Party chairman and DNC vice chairman Ray Buckley, will have to face down humiliating videos that show him making a series of sexist and off-color comments.

The party may have to turn to Buckley since Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) jumped quickly to seek the chairmanship, but several controversies have stunted his early momentum.

Photographs emerged in the Washington Free Beacon showing Ellison—a hardcore progressive and one of just two Muslim members of Congress—holding a variety of meetings with troubling characters potentially connected to terrorism in the Middle East. He also faced backlash for anti-Israel comments unearthed from his past. The Anti-Defamation League withdrew its endorsement of Ellison and Democratic mega-donor Haim Saban said Ellison as DNC chairman would be a “disaster” for a troubled party.  read more


7 Comments on Shock Videos: Meet Ray Buckley, Who Might Actually Become the Chairman of the Democratic Party

  1. So I see hear this..

    “..virtually all of the top candidates for DNC chairman bring their own baggage..”

    Male PA Announcer: The white zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in a red zone.
    Female PA Announcer: The white zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in a red zone.
    Male PA Announcer: The red zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in a white zone.
    Female PA Announcer: No, the white zone is for loading. Now, there is no stopping in a RED zone.
    Male PA Announcer: The red zone has always been for loading.
    Female PA Announcer: Don’t you tell me which zone is for loading, and which zone is for unloading.
    Male PA Announcer: Look Betty, don’t start up with your white zone shit again. There’s just no stopping in a white zone.

    No Stopping Only.

  2. I truly hope this is the end for the American hating democrats. They appear to be in such disarray trying to find a “clean” ‘Rat to head the DNC. I think a clean ‘Rat is an oxymoron. They lie, they cheat, have no use for our military, want to control your life with outrageous regulations. Destroying America’s traditions. Think I’m disgusted?

  3. Oh this is delicious. The contenders for Chair of DNC just keep getting worse. Muzzie’s hate gays and gays hate…. Well just about anyone who isn’t gay.

    Throw Ellison and Buckley in the jello pit and may the best *whatever* win. Icing would be Wasserman Schultz as the ring girl.

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