Shocking Study (Not really)- Most Women Like Traditionally Masculine Men, Not Beta Males – IOTW Report

Shocking Study (Not really)- Most Women Like Traditionally Masculine Men, Not Beta Males

The Daily Wire-

Turns out, women are hard-wired to be much more attracted to male protectors who espouse so-called “benevolent sexism” than men who treat them as equals. And the best part: this is true even for hardcore feminists, scientists found.

“Women find benevolent sexist [BS] men attractive, not because they are ignorant of the harmful effects, but despite being aware of them,” the scientists found. “This suggests that the desirable aspects of BS attitudes and behaviors are sufficient to overcome the perceived negative effects.”

And it gets even worse for feminists who promote sameness instead of equality for the sexes: they desire “sexist” men, too!


12 Comments on Shocking Study (Not really)- Most Women Like Traditionally Masculine Men, Not Beta Males

  1. Am I the only woman here so far this morning? Okay. Men who shave/wax their chests should be removed from this planet. Or shot, whichever is easier. Stay masculine, stay male; allow no crossovers, or hearts that bleed.

  2. Liberal men treat women like garbage and are sissies.

    If I wanted to date a catty bitch, I guess I’d go for a Dem, or just say, ‘to hell with it,’ and turn lesbo.

    No thanks, masculine men are where it’s at!

  3. This brings into focus the long held complaint of ‘nice guys’ that women prefer ‘bad boys’
    Women prefer Men.
    Men who are still Men, not ballless beta males.
    The reason women like ‘bad boys’ is because the ‘bad boy’ displays traits that infer survival and self motivation genes that can add to the survival success of their offspring. Like Waylon said: “Ladies love outlaws, like babies love stray dogs”
    As opposed to the beta males that flap around complaining.
    If you want the hot chicks, you must do nifty tricks.
    Female bower birds reject many male attempts at seduction. Poorly designed bowers that to not rise to excellence, are rejected with their builders
    Don’t see any difference in Men

  4. Og bash female on pretty head and drag back to cave for mating. Og do not care if female orgasm or bleed. Make Og mammoth meat sandwich and shut mouth hole.

    Og make pussyhat females wet.


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