Shoes for Industry – IOTW Report

Shoes for Industry

Stilton’s Place: Okay, by this time you all know the drill. We’ve looked at the tangled can of worms that is currently the “news” (Example: “Did Trump call Meghan Markle ‘nasty’ and, if so, why does that add to the urgent need to impeach him? We’ll ask our panel of experts…”) and decided we’d rather not play that particular game today.

Soooo, we’ve once again grabbed a perfectly innocent piece of clip art and added enough punchlines to hopefully assure you of at least one laugh today. Which is still more than you’d get from looking at current events.

In keeping with this thought, let us share this fun country-rock ballad co-written by The Five’s own Greg Gutfeld and performed by co-writer John Rich (with The Five doing the call-and-response background vocals).  Go take a listen.

11 Comments on Shoes for Industry

  1. We’ll see about that, TDBW …..

    You must be the great white brother!!

    And you must be the Eendyons. This is your new father; Father Corona

    Down on your knees lads, do ye recognize what I’m holding over yer heads

    That’s a cross, sign of the birth-quartering of the universe into active and passive principles

    God have mercy on their heathen souls

    (You may now approach on bended knee to kiss my hipster ring)


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