Shokin Affidavit is Damning Evidence Against Biden and Obama Administration – IOTW Report

Shokin Affidavit is Damning Evidence Against Biden and Obama Administration

John Solomon has dumped a lot of documents pertaining to Biden’s ass being in a vice.

Have fun.

17 Comments on Shokin Affidavit is Damning Evidence Against Biden and Obama Administration

  1. Me and my boy used to have fun playing Porochenko together.
    Itz a fun game…
    but now I’m singing that beautiful song from The Sound of Music:
    Anal Vice, Anal Vice
    the People no longer trust me
    pick those fruits
    work my glutes
    cuz the Commies have blessed me.

  2. There will be no real justice until Christ returns, so don’t hold your breath for any. Seducers and the evil will wax worse and worse, unbearably arrogant and proud, still the untouchable kings over the earth just as they are even now ……then sudden terror will strike them. The wicked living will beg for death but the wicked dead will have no escape in the grave, they’ll be raised for judgment. Then, all that is now hidden will be revealed. There is NOTHING that won’t be brought to light in that awesome and terrible Day of Christ the Judge, the Man of war.

  3. How much more proof is needed that the UniParty is dirty to the core?
    they one and all belong to the UniParty which takes its marching orders from their favorite lobbyists and who THEY report to is anyones guess but what is for sure is NONE of them are american patriots!

    Bring on the next civil war because the target lists are getting very long indeed!!!

  4. It took an outsider, even if they get Donald Trump out of Washington he had done more good in exposing corruption than we could imagine. I think he will come out on top but he has a lot of hate against him.

  5. Evil appears to have its day but the day of reckoning is coming and it will deal with even the most mundane things like:

    Proverbs 26:11 (HCSB)
    11 As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his foolishness.

    They are doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result.


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