President-elect Donald Trump joined the conversation on the ongoing sightings of mysterious unidentified drones and called for the government to “shoot them down.”
In a post on Truth Social, Trump questioned if the drone sightings could be “happening without” the government’s knowledge and added that the government should provide the public with answers.
“Mystery Drone sightings all over the Country,” Trump wrote in his post. “Can this really be happening without our government’s knowledge. I don’t think so! Let the public know, and now. Otherwise, shoot them down!!! DJT.” more
What with China and Russia flexin their muscle and that Bought & Paid For, Filthy Traitor Joe giving Iran Billions and Billions along with the fact that Trump intends to get in their way… something’s up and isn’t going to be pretty. Some say before Christmas, I say before Jan 20.
And now that insufferable cretin Mayorkas says he doesn’t have the authority to shoot one down.
Hey, Alejjjjandro, not to put too subtle a point on it, but YOU HAVE SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY FOR ACTIONS YOU UNDERTAKE AS PART OF YOUR OFFICIAL DUTIES!!!11!1 Go ahead and shoot one of those damned things down AND POST THE PHOTOS ONLINE.
Damn, but that cretin burns my biscuits.
They told me that I already pardoned the drones. Maybe it was child-trafficking judges. Hell, I don’t know, it could have pardoned Chinese spies for all I kinow. They just hold my hand and I’ll sign anything. Not a joke.
I’m starting to think this is a psyop for our enemies and us.
shoot down any gubmint ******-spies
It’s coming right for us.
January 20 can’t come fast enough.
Last time I had a home invader it was so much trouble when I shot him, I told friends next time they wouldn’t find the body and I wouldn’t report it. Well they haven’t found any bodies since then. Works for drones also. Safety Tip 403.5 for sheep. Learn from mistakes of others because you’ll never have time enough to make them all yourself.
#4 Buck! Browning 10 gauge BPS
And that’s all I have to say about that.
The damned things are “vanishing into thin air” as they are being monitored and pursued. And now a “floating orb” is being reported in the vicinity of one of these “drone” formations. It’s textbook UFO activity. There’s nothing to shoot at, nothing on radar and no relevant NOTAMs are being issued. There is nothing there.
I understand why everybody wants the government to do something, but there’s nothing to be done. As O said before, the Pentagon periodically issues UFO reports, and they just issued one last month. Maybe they’ll talk about this current stuff in the future, but they don’t want to talk about it right now, other than to do what they always do with UFOs: Deny everything, and carry on as usual, because there’s nothing they can do.
Which is not to say that actual spy drones don’t exist. They do, but these drone swarm “sightings” are getting mixed with real spy drone incidents. Just keep calm and carry on. Separate the wheat from the chaff and deal with what’s real.
I can’t help feel Biden and everyone around him are completely compromised by the Chicomms. After all, Biden just pardoned two communist spies!!
I read this post from “Radar” a couple days ago. I blew it off at the time but it looks like Charlie Kirk thinks it’s legit.
It sure tends to give an ominous feeling that something BIG is coming.
I’m starting to think this is Project Blue Beam. You should look it up. The timing is right and these people are this desperate.
After sorting through mountains of bull shit on Reddit, X, and IG, here’s what I believe to be true.
They do come in from the ocean. A couple LE agencies report watching them arrive from the sea.
They are the size of a Honda Civic and pretty noisy. In my mind that would eliminate the possibility of them being a military drone. Our military like quite shit.
A couple agencies have issued warning that if one of these things crashes or gets shot down don’t approach it and fire and rescue crews should be wearing full on hazmat gear. They’ve picked up radioactive traces.
These things have out run “commercial drones”. Not that surprising. They go dark and quite when approached by law enforcement aircraft.
Now there’s a lot of reports of one of these things morphing into a fixed wing aircraft and leaving town at a very fast rate of speed. Nobody has that technology. Are these things holograms? Maybe you can’t shoot them down because they are not there. This would fit right in with Project Blue Beam. Things should get real interesting between now a 1/19.25
Also, Mayorkas is, as usual, full of shit. These things have invaded U.S. airspace. That’s not only a crime but a threat to our safety. The sooner we try and shoot one of these things down the better.
Practice runs for New Yorks Rockin New Years Eve Celebration?
I lay most blame on ‘our own government’, one commenter suggested “The FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018” expires on December 20th of this year.
We all know our ‘own government’ fully believes in scare tactics.
Also, why the hard push for Biden to ‘forgive’ all his cronies if they have no plans to vacate the WH?
Plus, why so many crashes if this is the action of beings that are more intelligent?
Here’s Shawn Ryan episode on Blue Beam. This is now making a lot of sense. Expect seeing religious figure appearing in the sky at anytime now.
Nah. I don’t buy these explanations. I think they are just Amazon delivery drones. Hey it’s almost Christmas!
Bad_Brad, I can’t envision our shambolic government creating some super-duper “Blue Beam”. The guys who propagate these scary theories, never have to backpedal when nothing pans out. They just say that the government is still planning and testing.
I am sticking with the UFO angle because UFO panics have occurred for thousands of years, and nothing has ever come of it. There is no alien technology at Area 51 or Wright-Patterson or wherever, because there is nothing material to back engineer. “Ghost-Hunters” have more data on paranormal phenomena than our government. And these drone apparitions are paranormal phenomena just like ghosts. It’s all a mystery which will never be “solved” in our physical world.
And you could say I’m copping by predicting that nothing will come of these sightings, and not making a bold prediction or espousing an elaborate conspiracy, but the plain truth is that the shocking and unexpected things that happen occur—99.9% of the time—through some variation on the same, sad, grubby, methods used for thousands of years by man…and his governments.
I’m keeping my marker on “Gone By New Years Day”.
@Gray Feather:
This is the BEST comment I’ve read in AGES! Thank you, Gray Feather, for appealing so well to my twisted sense of humor!
Mystery solved.
Hey folks, it’s only eleven shoplifting days till Kwanzaa and now they using drones!
Pimp My Drone!
OK buddy, dawn your tin foil hat with me. First you need to watch the Shawn Ryan video that I posted above. I mentioned this makes perfect sense. That statement was more in regards to the whole UFO thing and not specifically to what’s occurring in Jersey. UFOs are constantly performing tasks that are impossible with our technology. But not in the movies. They do it all the time. So the evil forces can just make a movie and project it into the sky. I believe that Blue Beam probably does exist and it’s an probably a multi country effort. Those European elites are some evil MoFo’s.
I think what’s going on in Jersey is they’re hunting for a dirty bomb. If they announced it they would cause panic so they need to keep they’re mouths shut. It’s kind of confusing why they always approach from the sea. Hell they’re maybe some Blue Beam shit going on just to help keep the general public confused. If you stop and realize how wide open that southern border has been sneaking a dirty bomb across it wouldn’t be that tough. Not to mention all the terrorists they’ve let in. Odds are sooner or later we’re going to have a real bad event. There’s lots of foreign countries that don’t want to see DJT in office so this would be a critical time.
“1954, we mastered gravity control…”
I did not know that. Cool.
You know I really want to believe that there are some advanced aliens out there, whether they’re coming to save us or enslave us. But I just can’t anymore. I was brought up in a household with Eric von Daniken, Charles Fort, Brinsley Le Poer Trench and Fate magazine.
And then John Keel came along with his unified theory of the paranormal and blew them all to hell. He also really wanted to believe, but he had to accept that there is no grand alien master plan watching and guiding mankind down through the centuries.
Instead, there is this middling mischief, malevolence and mimicry, maybe from another dimension, playing on our fears and imagination, with no end game. When we ignore it, it fades away and then returns with a different con. Sort of an “Eck,the Nigerian Prince”, if you will.
But I don’t know if I want to believe that the same government which f—ks up so badly at almost everything it tries, somehow has this fantastic technology, which it has been secretly developing for decades, just to make us believe that there are real aliens, and they’re basically like Hollywood aliens. It’s easier for me to believe that Shawn Ryan is a classic crackpot.
Having said all that, I remember reading about a guy in upstate New York who claimed that he was being surveilled by human-looking entities. He thought it was some sort of government surveillance, but he kept his head and keenly observed their appearances and movements, and determined that it was some sort of elaborate technological deception and projection. Eventually, his investigation led to a department at some university, and they admitted that they had been using him for some pretty weird experiments. It was a bizarre article.and I’m kicking myself for not archiving it, because now I can’t find it.
So I am willing to suspend my disbelief ever so slightly at the possibility that somebody has some secret technology capable of creating realistic illusions, albeit on a small scale. But overall, I think BlueBook is closer to reality than BlueBeam.
2020 – Give up your rights to fight the deadly virus!
2025 – Give up your rights to fight the evil aliens!
Reports say one fell out of the sky:
It Came Out Of The Sky!
“…disappear without a trace…”
There’s your first clue. Or second or third.
“…disappear without a trace…”
What disappears with out a trace? Maybe a hologram. I’m telling your brother, we are seriously being Fd with in an effort to create panic.
Klaatu barada nikto
Irish has a video…