“Shoot Them Yourselves”: Czech Government Orders Its Citizens To Take Up Arms – IOTW Report

“Shoot Them Yourselves”: Czech Government Orders Its Citizens To Take Up Arms

Conservative Daily Post:

Last year, over half of the people living in the UK voted to leave the European Union (EU). Many of those who supported the withdrawal argued that they wanted to leave because many of the policies were not in the country’s best interest. If the EU continues to pass ridiculous laws, other countries, like the Czech Republic, may follow the UK’s lead. This is because they’re currently leading the charge against the EU’s unnecessary and overburdensome regulations.

For example, as gun control measures continue to get passed by the liberal EU, the Czech Republic is one of the few countries standing up for gun rights. The government recently told their citizens to take up arms to defend against a potential Muslim invasion. This is extremely relevant considering a city in the Philippines was recently invaded by ISIS fighters and London had a terrorist attack where guns would have saved lives.

In the wake of all the recent terrorist attacks, Czech President Milos Zeman reportedly told his constituents that they should arm themselves for what he called a potential “super-Holocaust” carried out by Muslim invaders. He wants to make sure that people are able to defend themselves until help arrives. Shortly after he said this, the Czech government decided to show their support by proposing a law allowing citizens to fight back against terrorists using their own guns. They will vote on it later in the summer. If other countries did this, terrorist attacks would not be as widely devastating.  more here

h/t Uncle Al

27 Comments on “Shoot Them Yourselves”: Czech Government Orders Its Citizens To Take Up Arms

  1. People in the Czech Republic are reserved and conservative by nature much like Hungarians. The country is very safe for travel and Prague is my favorite and most beautiful cities in the world. They are smart in wanting to keep it that way (unlike London which has become a shit hole).

  2. Heartening example for the whole EU. Stalwart people.
    Occupied by the Nazis, then liberated by Patton and betrayed by FDR/Truman and handed over to 55 years of Soviet occupation.
    And still they rose, rebuilt themselves and stand for freedom.
    Damn fine people. Trump will support them and bring our countries closer still.

  3. WRONG, ThirdTwin!

    If *anything*,
    it’s time the Czech Republic annex Bavaria
    (just about the only worthwhile part of Germany left)
    and show them what REAL border controls mean and produce.

  4. Notice that the most ardent supporters of freedom are “Former” Soviet block countries. They’ve been where the EU is taking Europe and they won’t go back.

    These are the countries we should be providing assistance to, those who choose freedom, not the dictators, socialists and corrupt governments Obama favored.

  5. I’ve only been there once, my friend’s mom took me there on a long weekend, but I have very fond memories of Prag. The people are so kind, loads to see and sooooo easy to pick up a bunch of Czech in a few days. A lot of people speak German so you could get away with not learning, but you **really** don’t want to miss out on the peeps, who also can be very funny!

    And here’s yet another reason to love this place. Thanks, MJA!

  6. Anon – BINGO! I just bought a Glock 19 but next time I get a bonus I’m buying a CZ 75 9mm too. Amazingly good handgun. High quality, accurate as hell…the Rolls-Royce of 9mm handguns!

  7. Here in Arizona, we deter terrorism with
    Pig Shit Bullets (these are just hollow point bullets or shot-shells stuffed with pig shit). Every time there’s a problem, we just find some random muslims (usually in muslim neighborhoods or near a mosque) and shoot them. Doesn’t matter if they’re involved or not, we just want get the message out:
    If just one of you starts trouble, ALL of you will be punished!
    So far, So good!

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