Shooters in Colorado School Were Transgender, Trump-Hating, Democrats Who Love Obama – IOTW Report

Shooters in Colorado School Were Transgender, Trump-Hating, Democrats Who Love Obama

Godfather Politics: The media won’t tell you this, but the two killers who shot up a Colorado high school were liberals. One was transgender, the other a registered Democrat, and both were Trump haters.

The two shooters who rampaged through a K-12 STEM school located in Douglas County were both liberals. Devon Erickson, 18, and a younger student who police first thought was a boy but later found to be a girl, were taken into custody after the shooting.

The named shooter, Devon Erickson, shows all the signs of a left-wing anarchist, Heavy reported.

For instance, he had spray painted “Fuck Society” on the side of his car.

Erickson is also a registered Democrat who hates Christians and Trump and loves Obama.


40 Comments on Shooters in Colorado School Were Transgender, Trump-Hating, Democrats Who Love Obama

  1. So, the one suspect was too young for them to release her name, but old enough for the “medical profession” to begin life-altering elective surgery. This is messed up.

  2. I seldom watch Fox News anymore, so I was wondering: did Shep Smith and Neil Covuto shut down any discussion about the sexual orientation and party affiliation of these sick fucks?

  3. So, like cutting off all men’s wieners because some of them commit rape, we must ban all firearms, right?

    If these sickos were really dedicated to their leftist causes they would have used AR-15s to whip the gun grabbers into a frenzy.

  4. Douglass County Sheriff Tony Spurlock is also the leading law enforcement voice for ‘red flag’ laws in Colorado….Is it really the guns Tony?????…..FUCK!….140 years of Colorado in my family down the chute and I’m 400 miles safe of there now….I HATE THESE BASTARDS….HATE THEM!!!!…..

    Grunt of Monte Christo…..join the battle…..

  5. GOSHDAMMIT!!!…COLORADO USED TO BE IN THE TOP TEN OF PLACES TO LIVE IN THE WHOLE WORLD….IT’S GONE, DEAD, NEVER TO RETURN….fuck it, I’m gonna smoke a great cigar on my back deck, rub my dogs heads and listen to the migration of weird birds….

  6. Expect more.

    We are moving toward Nihilism.

    DJT POTUS is only a bulwark right now. When this MAN leaves office who knows, maybe Don Jr could really be the only one to carry on the Legacy.

    Not convinced Pence is…

    When a democrat gets elected it will be like that episode from the OLD Star Trek – The Return of the Archons.

    “You’ll have to hurry it’s almost Red hour”

  7. Another school shooting.
    Can we please look as hard at the schools as we do at the guns?
    I don’t think I have read about shootings by home schooled kids or at parochial schools… They’re always at government factory schools where the students are being trained to accept their future in warehouses and corporations. Dismal. These desperate kids aren’t the problem, they’re the product of our schools, our pharmaceuticals, and culture.

  8. Little Morphin Annie
    MAY 8, 2019 AT 9:11 PM
    “Another school shooting.
    Can we please look as hard at the schools as we do at the guns?”

    …well, for one thing, the school had 1800 kids at ages from 5 to 18…sorry, but that’s TOO many, and TOO broad a range, this was unmanageable and doomed to fail from the start for THOSE reasons ALONE…

  9. @Tony R MAY 8, 2019 AT 7:57 PM
    Bing, bing, bing.. You win…

    @willysgoatgruff MAY 8, 2019 AT 8:34 PM
    Buddy, I truly feel for ya. I know what your going through. That great state has changed in a heartbeat.

  10. “Don Jr could really be the only one to carry on the Legacy.”

    I’m not a big fan of dynasties, but it is quite obvious, especially after today’s bullshit Senate Intel subpoena, that the Uniparty is scared shitless of DJTJ, and taking him out is almost as big a priority as taking out PDT. It’d be great to see him run for NY Senate, or even governor.

  11. @ Willygoat- same for the former Empire State, still is GREAT upstate (beautiful) but the Dems have ruined the whole state up or down! This is WHY the leaving rate is increasing.

    Cannot wait to leave. Unfortunately, I had to go into the DMV today, for my ‘enhanced ID’. The new fascist norm and voter Dem leftist registration.

    While waiting on the FIRST line, their was a young dindu behind me talking about “wanting to rip the wig off the bitches head”. He had one word on his hoodie and it was RESPECT. Uhhhhh….huh.

    He was talking about someone he knew prostituting herself “all over county yo”. There was an older black gay guy looking all along at him was like ” you look and sound like an asshole!”

    That whole, ‘where am I?’ moment (we are all encountering more because of the Hussein years), conversation lasted about a whole 15 minutes while standing on line for the photo for the enhanced ID.

    The place was PACKED, no seats, noticed a seat or two and proceeded to pop a squat. Well, while sitting there for about two minutes, the security guy (just doing his own job) told several of us that we had to get up because this is for ‘fist time test taking only’. Meanwhile just past the fascist line in the floor, people were sitting on the fucking floor on the other side of the line.

    I took pics of the place on the LEFT packed of the line and a pic of the sixteen EMPTY seats!

    There was NO sign indicating any of this policy, so me being the only one of two white boys in the whole place, went over to the complain desk, #18 it was. Attitude? Nevermind…

    Waited for about an 45 minutes, went back to the security guy to ask about how long the wait would be (we laughed about the seat thing – he was north African). He said ” go there to that desk and they will tell you”.

    Went to the info line to find out how LONG the wait would be and waited on line for another fifteen minutes…..ready…another hour and a half.

    I left.

  12. joe6pak MAY 8, 2019 AT 7:50 PM
    They were also each seeing therapists. It doesn’t seem like these therapists are helping these kids. It’s almost like they do more harm than good.

    More right than you know.

    I came to understand that the only intent my wife’s therapist had was to get her to not feel guilty for all the wrong she was doing. It was a stake through the heart of any chance our marriage was going to work.

    Not a surprise we went separate ways after she confidently declared “I’m going to do what I want when I want and there is nothing you can do about it”.

    She had just finished watching a movie on a “no, it’s not a date date” with a man from her AA group while I and the kids were at home.

    Enough. We’re done.

    Stuff on curb posthaste. Locks changed that night. She only came for the stereo and extensive record collection. Not any attempt at all to have the kids with her.

    I thought it was an excellent trade. She could have any objects she wanted as long as I had my kids 24/7/365. She wanted her freedom from all the work of family – that she wasn’t doing anyway. She got that freedom.

    We get along fine because she didn’t go all evil and just wanted her freedom. 22 years later, she’s still unhappy with life and rejects God’s love. I have a few years left to help her see the Light. I’ll even leave the house to her (helps the kids be less burdened by her poor choices). I don’t hate her. Which confused the hell out of her and her boyfriend back when I finally understood why we should love and feed our enemies if they need it. She took it as a sign I wanted her back and cried when I told her it would never happen.

    Still the same to this day. The selfishness is to the bone. She can’t help it, it seems. That’s what I think the therapist should have worked on more than anything else.

  13. Dadof4, jeez you’re a nicer guy than I. But then when push comes to shove I’d probably do the same as you. I’m doing things now that surprises me, and it’s for reasons that are bigger than me. Keep up the good work, you’ll sleep better for it.

  14. Gender dysphoria individuals have no clarity about anything. They live in a world full of anger, fear and delusion, while the leftist media tell them they’re normal. It’s a wonder more of them don’t commit more homicidal acts. Probably because the gender-confused have high rate of suicides. Colorado seems to be turning into a petrie dish of the progressive disease.

  15. Near the end of the movie ‘Patton,’ there’s a scene in Nazi headquarters with a map that is slowly – and then rapidly – turning black, signifying Germany’s loss of territorial control.

    We have a similar U.S. map turning Blue ever more rapidly. And with it, growing acceptance of fascistic ideology in both business and government.

    What WILL become of us?

  16. joe6pak

    Hate only hurts the one who holds it and keeps it alive. Add that any problems she had affected the kids and myself too.

    The light came on that I should truly pray for her happiness and success. Everyone around her would also benefit greatly.

    I get it why we should pray for every person on the planet in this way. Especially our enemies.

  17. New title:

    “Shooters in Colorado School Were Transgender, Trump-Hating, COMMUNISTS Who Loved Obama.”

    There, fixed it for you.

  18. The coverage of the NZ mosque shooting evaporated once the perp was discovered to be a Trump hater, the coverage of this shooting will quickly evaporate as well.

    It it does not fit the narrative it disappears while the most intangible link to Trump will be exploited for weeks on 24/7 media.

  19. Like CA & a lot of other places, this kind of bullshit is concentrated in the Denver & other pop. centers.
    Get out in the boonies and people have more important, and intelligent, things to do.

  20. Therapists – everyone who commented about them possibly being the reason for much of the trouble with people not accepting personal responsibility, are correct. In getting my degree in counseling youth in a Christian organization, I took some psychology classes. I was not impressed. Even in the late 70s, there was something wrong about telling people that they are ok and they just need to accept themselves.

    Because I went to a community college the first two years, there was no Christian perspective and the humanities classes were all the “you’re ok; I’m ok” crap. I even got in trouble with one of the instructors when I disagreed with him.

    The last two years I went to a Christian University. That’s when the classes included Biblical applications of humanity and the need to follow a higher moral standard than the world.

    I can see, these days, the results of the worldly training that many therapists had. I have no doubt that these two shooters and most of the aberrant behavior of society have been harmed by “do what you want” attitudes.


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