Shooting Range Gun Selfie – IOTW Report

Shooting Range Gun Selfie

8 Comments on Shooting Range Gun Selfie

  1. I’ve seen some scary shit as an instructor and range safety officer over the years.

    Our chief instructor would introduce us to the students and point out the I was the only staff member who has successfully treated GUN SHOT WOUNDS! 🙂

  2. Doc

    On a couple occasions I’ve filled in for missing helpers for a couple trainers. Transitional Pistol to Carbine. Just fun for me. Or so I thought. Twice I’ve told the head person, that a person needed to be booted off the range. Both times the main person went and talked to them and told it’s cool, got them straightened out. These people never improved their trigger finger discipline. Anyway, I don’t do that shit anymore.

  3. I saw two Russians enter a small gun/range shop and say “Give us the biggest thing you’ve got to shoot” (thick heavy Russian accent).
    There was one clerk working, he gave them a brief rundown on their weapons of choice and sent them into the range, one with a revolver and the other with a semi.
    They loaded up the guns as instructed and the revolver goes first, taking a few steps back as the recoil took the gun into the air.
    Then the semi went, fairly decent grip, but still took a step back and of course, it jammed.
    The revolver then took his second shot and still stepped back, obviously didn’t learn his balance the first time.
    We didn’t stay to watch him take his third shot.
    The semi was trying to clear the jam and couldn’t figure it out.
    He turned it around to look down the barrel and I told the clerk he needed to close the counter and get into the range to save these guys from killing themselves and left, I didn’t want my young sons to see that kind of lesson that day.

  4. During basic training, some idiot caught a hot shell down his neck and jumped up with his M-16 in hand and danced around while shooting the thing into the gravel all around him. Had a range officer not immediately tackled him to the ground another one had already drawn his sidearm and was ready to shoot him dead to prevent the guy from killing an innocent person. I was close enough to have been hit by the gravel that was flying everywhere.


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