Short Fat Stupid Looking Dope Cold Cocks 15 Year-Old Girl Over Cold Fried Chicken – IOTW Report

Short Fat Stupid Looking Dope Cold Cocks 15 Year-Old Girl Over Cold Fried Chicken

His nasty girlfriend beat the mother.

They pled guilty and are awaiting sentencing.



28 Comments on Short Fat Stupid Looking Dope Cold Cocks 15 Year-Old Girl Over Cold Fried Chicken

  1. Winner. Winner. Cold Chicken Dinner!

    Wow, I’ve had bad meals and poor service at the drive-through but never did anything like this.

    Course I’m probably not stupid and racist, either.

  2. There were signs posted not to feed the wildlife. These creatures can look cute and cuddly but the are not tame and can cause grievous harm. Immediately contact animal control.

  3. As America catches on to the fact that those who we support out of decency and mercy are vipers in our bosom, and deserve short shrift in the justice department; the more Moms like this one will carry a concealed, and the skinny bitch, and her Jabba the Hut boyfriend will all be getting toe tags for their infractions

  4. Heavy D just suckerpunched the girl as he was walking by.

    I have no doubt he has strong feelings on the subject of fried chicken but it looks like they both found the only two white people on the block and assaulted both of them.

  5. What’s wrong with cold fried chicken? They sell it all the time in the deli at grocery stores. Or don’t black people go to grocery stores because convenience stores and fast food restaurants are more convenient for them. Charging rip off prices of course but they probably don’t care since EBT pays for it in most states.


    Where was your GUN? That’s the only question I have now-a-days for people. Where is your gun? Didn’t have one? Don’t believe in guns?

    Nope, I don’t want to hear it. Get a gun, and after you are armed, and STILL become a victim, then I want to hear it, but if not, go get registered and trained.


    Quick facts:

    Who dat? Eric Smith
    Who da bitch? LaTasha Smith
    Dey screwin’? Yeah, they be married
    How old day be? 45 & 28
    Ooo day like daddy/daughter stuff! Yeah, 17 years apart
    Where dis? Qwik Chik restaurant in Baxley, Georgia
    When dis happin’? About the end of June 2017
    Dey run? Yeah, but they turned themselves in on July 5, 2017
    Why dey do dis? They got cold chicken, refunded money, but came back for revenge
    Wha happin? 2 black eyes and a broken nose for the mother, concussion for daughter
    Dey be in trouble? Show is! Aggravated assault and cruelty to children
    He bad? Mr. Smith has a previous and ‘significant’ criminal record
    Dey beg? Yes, they pleaded guilty in Camden County Superior Court
    Dey be in jail? Yes, Mr. Smith was denied bond as he is a flight risk. The bitch got her bond increased
    Dey be in prison? Not yet. There hasn’t been a sentencing by the judge yet
    Dats all? Yeah dat’s all

  8. A couple of things. It was noce to see the other blacks come out to comfort and aid the victims. I suspect Bonnie and Clod would have thought twice about taking another shot when the black mothers were around them. Good to see.
    The second thing is I wonder whether the justice system has already made a deal with these two cowards and they’ll be spending minimum, if any, time in the slammer. Hope BFH or HAP keeps us apprised.

  9. Justice should be served one way or another. Prison won’t be a cakewalk for those two perps. Hopefully, The Blob will be a “new ride” his fellow inmates can’t resist. Skeletor’s sister might have to prove how bad she is to the 300lb. dike in her cell block.

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