Short People Part 2 – IOTW Report

Short People Part 2

TRUMP PENIS SONG WAS A D*CK MOVE… But I’m Not That Sorry, says moron songwriter Randy Newman.

I have no idea what these deranged people are trying to prove. Is this supposed to prove that Trump is the immature lowlife?


Legendary singer-songwriter Randy Newman can’t quite explain why he wrote a song about President Trump‘s dong … but it’s hilarious listening to him try.

We got Randy at LAX, and our guy pressed him about the penis song … which he ultimately decided to scrap for his upcoming album. Randy says he was just adding more vulgarity to the situation and didn’t feel right about it … even if Trump had it coming.

Fortunately, Newman divulged some of the lyrics he had in mind last week, which include … “My d**k’s bigger than your d**k / It ain’t braggin’ if it’s true / My d**k’s bigger than your d**k / I can prove it too.”

Anyway, sounds like Randy wants to apologize now … even if he can’t quite get out the words.


I understand many people like Randy Newman, and with music, to each his own. But, I think he’s a frightening bore.

His voice is borderline awful. It’s dry, rangeless and he’s a bit of a mumble mouth. The only song I sorta like that he wrote is “Mama Told Me Not To Come.” But his version, again, is horrific.

Who encouraged this songwriter to record his one songs? That person needs to be neck slapped.


20 Comments on Short People Part 2

  1. Randy I’d suggest you take a look at all the women Trump has known in his life, including his present wife. Can you even match one of them? I doubt you are the chick magnet you are in your mind.

  2. I am to the point where I am becoming numb and insensitive when it comes to any criticism of President Trump (and I finally understand why those who support clinton or obamer feel the same way when criticism comes their way I guess). This empathy scares me a whole lot.

    Just stop it everybody or I’ll take my tranny jokes about moochelle and just go home.

    Btw Randy Newman has one talent – writing movie themes.

  3. Randy, Randy, Randy … enjoyed some of your work … now, just go away …

    RIP (yes, when your brain is dead, and all you can think about is President Trump’s penix, you’re dead)

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Dan, there’s a fair amount of women out there that have the instincts to rescue lost souls. She may be very nice but lost causes never have happy endings.

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