Shot Deer Not Dead, Turns On Hunter and Kills Him – IOTW Report

Shot Deer Not Dead, Turns On Hunter and Kills Him


An Arkansas hunter died after a deer he thought he’d killed got up and attacked him. Thomas Alexander, 66, died at a hospital, KY3 reports. An official with the Game and Fish Commission said that after shooting a buck near Yellville on Tuesday with a muzzleloader, Alexander “went up to check it to make sure it was dead. And evidently it wasn’t.” The hunter received a series of puncture wounds. “He was gored several times,” the official said, per USA Today. It’s not known whether Alexander died of his injuries or of another cause, such as a heart attack or other medical condition. An autopsy is not planned.

Teams were searching for the wounded deer. Alexander was hunting alone, so it’s not clear how long he waited before approaching the deer. The commission advises making sure the deer has not moved for 30 minutes, then walking carefully toward the deer from behind.


29 Comments on Shot Deer Not Dead, Turns On Hunter and Kills Him

  1. I don’t know … “poetic justice” comes to mind.

    And NO: I’m not anti-hunting or anti-gun or any of that nonsense – maybe that’s the way he wanted to go – one man against the elements.

    Condolences to the family, of course.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. you should read the comments attached to the story.

    asshole non-hunters all think they are soo smart and humane.

    they would all starve to death if it wasn’t for men who can kill to eat.

  3. Primitive Rifle, (Blackpowder) is my favorite season. But I always reload before approaching my quarry after giving it half-an-hour or so to cool and make sure there’s no chance of it getting back up.

  4. If he were vegan, he would still be alive. Ban guns. Ban hunting. Ban meat. Meat is murder. It kills the human. It kills the animal, which is the most important of them all.

  5. “The commission advises making sure the deer has not moved for 30 minutes, then walking carefully toward the deer from behind.”

    Oh bullshit. Poke the damn thing in the eye with a stick held alongside the barrel of your gun and be ready to shoot if it jumps up. If it flinches it’s eye, it is still alive. Archery, I have never had one get up or even be alive when I approached, but am prepared to defend life and limb with my hunting knife should that occur.

  6. And the liberals tell us that hunters are killing poor innocent defenseless animals. When I hunted with black powder, I would carry a side arm. But black powder is much more satisfying than using a modern rifle. As to deer being innocent animals, ask a farmer about what they can do to your corn or other crops, worse than rats.

  7. Larry the Liberal, you know how many bunnies are killed every year to provide you vegans with your tofu? You know how many insects must die to support your vegan lifestyle?

  8. Amateur. You always approach a downed animal with a drawn sidearm, preferably a magnum. And then only after waiting 15 minutes for it to bleed out.

    This is Hunting 101 stuff that I was taught when I was 12 years old. My guess is he was drunk.

  9. Without proper precautions you can discover you are not at the top of the food chain. Sorry for the hunter and his family. Though the anti-hunters are probably delighted with the end result.

  10. Hambone…. YES!!! I have about 40 pounds left. Gotta empty it, thaw it out, clean it…Brown the meat in bacon grease and extemporate on the sublime 6 hours later

    JD Hasty you beat me to it with the eyeball poke.

    Everyone within earshot is sick to death hearing about my upcoming vacation, deer season in WI.

  11. “A hunter was gored in another part of the state several years ago but survived.”

    I guess getting gored in another part of the state is better than getting gored in the lungs.

  12. I am not a hunter, although I do have firearms and support 1A.

    But, I was thinking it would be a lot of fun to hunt Larry The Liberal. I would take the advice of several of you guys and carry a pistol or knife to administer the coup de grace to Larry if the first blast didn’t completely do the job.

    If Larry had antlers or horns I would get him taxidermied and mount his head on my office wall. Larry I hope you are a decent looking specimen that would not embarrass me if I showed you to visitors.


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