Should be an interesting event Monday, 27 July 2015, 23:45 Cardigan Uncategorized 9 viaOrlando Jones, Facebook drugsguest speakerphoto
Why did the dumbasses who dropped out of high school always come back to hang around outside the school hoping to talk to their friends? LOL
Vancouver B.C. They probably mean it.
How’d they ever get Obama to speak at such a small event Canada?
PAC = Progressives Always Come (listen to this shit)?
Its not me. I’m booked.
“Look at the colors!!!”
Refreshments served: Hot Pockets and Mountain Dew.
Wonder if he will pass out staggering (statistics).
Why did the dumbasses who dropped out of high school always come back to hang around outside the school hoping to talk to their friends? LOL
Truth in Advertising laws finally working.