Should Christians Vote? – IOTW Report

Should Christians Vote?

I have a good friend from my church who is a solid Christian. He isn’t going to vote because he thinks it’s a waste of time and both parties are ungodly. After watching this, I’m going to talk to him and ask him to watch this and tell me what he thinks.

I’m praying that it will strike a cord with him that he’s doesn’t have to vote for a ‘savior’, pastor, or best friend. The vote is for who will try to fix some of the evil that the Democrats are pushing for our nation.

17 Comments on Should Christians Vote?

  1. Agreed. Same thing with some of these “independent” screwballs.
    Kat Timpf has met Donald Trump, got to ask him questions.
    She blasts some of the crap that comes out of Kamala’s ignorant mpouth.
    Still the stupid bitch says she will NEVER vote for either major party.
    How do you reach such illogical imbeciles?

  2. The last perfect person to walk the earth was Jesus.
    We Christians are recipients of mercy and grace because God made us with free will. We are not robots.
    God used flawed people all through the Bible and I don’t see anywhere that shows we have suddenly become unflawed.

    Christians are supposed to affect the culture, not hid in a hole.
    Of course we should vote.
    Trump is more pro life than any Pres in the past 50 yrs.
    He protects our God given rights unlike others on both sides of the aisle who have compromised on our rights given by God.
    When a Christian stays silent by not voting they are as Thomas Jefferson said, allowing evil to triumph.
    Will Christians who make pansy arguments like your friend also not speak the Word or let anyone know they Christian because they decide it would do no good?

  3. Yes, send.

    But what about all the other issues beyond the social/sex issues: economic, illegal immigration, crime, wars/deaths around the world, government corruption.

    “All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”

    I have met a number of people like your friend. Who, by the way, also are very very confused about what kind of person Donald Trump is. I have no patience or tolerance for this kind of stupidity.

  4. Good luck saving the idiots, they out number you big time. When you land in heaven file a complaint, mean time save those with more marbles and stop with the spuddle.

  5. I know I have posted this comment before.
    Went to an all-church meeting back in May. One of the 3 key speakers was the faith-based whip for GOP in 2016. Largest ever turnout of eligible voters who are Christian… nearly 40%. Just imagine getting that up to a mere 60% – Republicans would win every time! And even 60% is mediocre. His new message was simply this:
    1. Register every single eligible voter in your church.
    2. Ask them to vote based upon their biblical values.
    No mention of any candidate, just get everyone to vote their conscience. How simple is that???

    My church started a series on voting this week. And that’s basically what Sunday’s message was. Zero candidates mentioned (although one of our senators and our local House rep do attend my church), just a call to vote.

  6. Absolutely yes, Christians should vote to save America from going to hell under a Harris/Walz ungodly administration. Remember what happened to Russia 100 years ago when they forgot God and had to live thru 70 years of hell on earth from 1919-1989, the same thing will happen to us if gutless, weenie Christians, super pious religious Christians don’t bother to vote. And they can’t blame it on God either since they will bring it on themselves and everybody else by not voting.

  7. The Democrats are out and proud progressive/Marxist/Satanists, the Republican establishment hasn’t taken the masks off yet. They are just as wicked and evil. If you can’t vote MAGA, I suppose that at least in voting Republican establishment you are not voting for someone who outright endorses Satan’s agenda.

  8. Always vote. Yes, I know the system is compromised, and the fraud is strong. But always vote.

    There may be no one you want to vote for. But I absolutely, for sure and for certain, promise you that there will ALWAYS be someone you want to vote AGAINST.

    So do that.

  9. God helps those who help themselves and if any so-called Christian doesn’t bother to vote, who are they really helping. It certainly isn’t the other side who believes in no God and wishes to destroy everything good. Sometimes I think that religious Christians are the worst enemy of those who have true faith in God because of their damn religious rules. I had a pastor friend who called these types of Christians as Christian jerks (which is akin to being Pharisees) because they thought that they were the elect, and they knew better than everyone else because they were so damn high and mighty in their religious beliefs. They put their trust in their man-made rules and regulations instead of trusting in God to provide for their needs including to vote for the good even if it is flawed like Donald Trump. God rarely uses golden boys who think that they all have their shit together, God uses flawed men and women to bring about his purposes on earth. We are all sinners in need of God’s grace and the left will never offer grace of any kind to rule. Come on you religious jerks and get off your high horses and vote for what is good.

  10. Are we electing a Pope?
    A Preacher for a church?
    I’m voting for a President to run a country and keep the citizens happy and safe.
    That religion stuff is fine in Church but not in government beyond protecting your right to practice your faith.


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