Should Jews Endorse Black Lives Matter? – IOTW Report

Should Jews Endorse Black Lives Matter?

American Thinker:

By Eileen F. Toplansky

We are living in a maelstrom of hatred, ignorance, and virtue-signaling that is breathtaking to observe.  Jewish organizations and synagogues are marching in support of Black Lives Matter.  White people are prostrating themselves like slaves “bowing before black people and asking for forgiveness for their ‘white privilege’ and the ‘structural racism’ in the deplorable, irredeemable United States of America.”

Anyone who is appalled at these actions is beginning to wonder about the sanity of this country.

 Of particular concern is the apparent all-in capitulation by American Jewry as they engage in this feel-good liberal response.

An open letter calls on Jewish organizations to endorse Black Lives Matter.

The letter asks Jewish organizations, federations … to commit to fulfilling seven actions within three years.  They are endorsing Black Lives Matter; establishing racial justice as an organizational pillar; having a fifth of staff, senior leadership and board seats be filled by people of color; participating in anti-racist education; investing a fifth of all grants in organizations led by people of color; creating racial justice requirements for grant organizations, including ‘a commitment to replacing contracts with police departments with alternative structures of community safety’; and developing a five-year, $1.5 million ‘communal accountability’ initiative.

The letter was organized by Lindsey Newman, director of community engagement at the Jewish diversity organization Be’chol Lashon; Aaron Samuels, co-founder and COO of the black media company Blavity; and Rachel Sumekh, the founder and CEO of the hunger relief organization Swipe Out Hunger.  ‘We chose these proposals because we believe they are achievable and if put into practice would make significant inroads toward making the Jewish community anti-racist[.]’

Frankly, a burglar intent on doing well in property appropriation couldn’t ask for a better list of demands! more

15 Comments on Should Jews Endorse Black Lives Matter?

  1. Let’s ask Gandhi. Gandhi, should Jews endorse Black Lives Matter?

    “Hitler killed five million Jews. It is the greatest crime of our time. But the Jews should have offered themselves to the butcher’s knife. They should have thrown themselves into the sea from cliffs. As it is, they succumbed anyway in their millions.”

    I take that as a “Yes”.

  2. One of my best friends, an American jew living in Israel for the last 20 years, can not stand jews, for the most part, living here. Even his family are flaming REgressives. They loved Obama and Big Mike.

    Their leftest religion takes a much higher priority than their being jewish.

    Used to be that jews were at the forefront of our constitutional rights but I guess the line stops at whites now. The old saw about appeasing the alligator to get eaten last comes to mind because almost every black I’ve ever known hates jews.

  3. About 80 percent of Jews will endorse BLM…it is how they survived through communal appeasement during the diaspora and now it is a part of their genetic make up. I was raised in a Jewish family who, when communism was banned in Germany most did not vote but the others voted national socialism. My own family were supporters of Obama, one a vice chairman of regional committee for election and about one third of this family hates Israel and donates to Palestinian groups through Obama NGO s….they are intelligent, nice, generous and good people but cannot bring themselves to deny communalism, communism and appeasement..

  4. Should Jews Endorse Black Lives Matter?

    If they are communists and one-world govt supporters, if they hate Israel, love “Palestinians” and other mohammadman Israel haters, are dishonestly hiding their true motives and goals, if they use irrelevant emotional polemic to shut off discussion much less debate about what they’re doing, then the answer is Yes, they should support BLM.

    And to Hell with the lot of them.

  5. As a non practicing conservative Jew I can say sadly most Jews are liberal democrats first and foremost and they pander to everyone and the more anti-Semitic you are the more likely they’ll concede just to keep them at bay. It is the liberal democrat way.

  6. Not a single democrat congressman voted in favor of moving the capital of Israel to Jerusalem. No wonder the Israelis are naming new cities after Trump. Too bad that Schumer, Nadler and Schiff won’t be around to see their grandchildren bowing to the grandchildren of Farrakhan and Omar. Yes indeed, for Jewish democrats, politics trumps religion.

  7. A bit over half the Jews in the world are taking their better halves off a cliff – me included.

    I know why so many people despise Jews as see them as a existential threaet: unfortunately, most Jews are leftist or liberal troublemakers. And man, do they make trouble for the world.

    About 40 percent of us Jews are not. But we have to survive despite an insane majority working to destroy all of us.

  8. NO ONE should endorse Black Lives Matter.

    BLM is not about doing anything positive for blacks. This slogan/moniker
    emerged out of the “Handsupdon’tshoot” lie, and is a pretext for global communist-instigated agitation and anti-American wipe-history intentions (make chaos first).

    Moreover, the pretext itself obscures the “movement”‘s affiliation with garbage such as antifa, communist subverters and jihadist money backing.

    It’s based on multivarious lies such as systemic racism, perversions of black American history, and that only whites can be racist, while making offensive “takeaknee” submission demands. It advocates rioting, defacing, and looting of innocent others’ lives and property. It makes idiotic never-satisfied calls for nonsense such as reparations, renamings, and the destruction of American history and culture.

    Its MO includes anti-free speech intimidation, the “cancel culture”, all to disguise political ulterior motives.

    And it’s a deep insult to the memory of every non-slave-owning soldier — hundreds of thousands — who died in the Civil War, every one who died to secure and defend our liberties, and every American descended from people who came to the United States long after slavery was abolished here, who fled tyrannical regimes that killed, enslaved or tortured their ancestors.

    NO ONE should support this filth, and it’s also time for critics to stop with the ubiquitous prefacing apologia too.

    Refuse to be a patsy. Don’t buy into a con job.

  9. Since all life ‘matters’, and the hypocrisy that is of BLM’s very fabric, this white boy ain’t buying any of it, and has contempt for those morons that do.
    Once again, things have been done to the general population that makes them very susceptible to suggestion, particularly with the current bullshit bombardment from media…

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