Should the Moronic, err, Omicron Variant concern you? – IOTW Report

Should the Moronic, err, Omicron Variant concern you?


nations that locked down and stayed that way are in a quandary for they do not know what to do now. If you open you will get surges in infection. Where is the money that was to go to hospital preparation? Did governments embezzle and steal and misappropriate the money for the hospitals remain still not prepared? 

We have a lot of natural immunity in the US, e.g. near 65-70% of the population. The open states (those that did not lock down too long and too hard and opened quickly) will likely do very well with this Omicron or any new variant. This also is the power of natural immunity. 

And we need not forget the potency of the overlooked ‘innate’ immunity with the innate antibodies and innate natural killer cellular compartment. This innate response is particularly potent in children (our first line of defense against pathogens) and is what has spared children from Covid and how children typically stave off pathogens, especially young children still laying down immunological memory. 

Moreover, there is no reporting of increased virulence/lethality of this new Omicron variant. As yet this will remain the case based on Delta and prior variants. There are no guarantees but we operate based on risk and all things point to the same for this new variant. 

Just because there is a wave in SA does not mean that there will be waves in the US or Israel or other places with greater natural immunity. This was the prize of letting people enjoy day-to-day living. The nations that have ended lockdowns are likely to move past this new variant scare, and be fine. This is more of an overreaction by the WHO and governments and much ado about nothing. 


ht/ js

23 Comments on Should the Moronic, err, Omicron Variant concern you?

  1. My Mom decided she going to get her booster now that there’s a new variant. Dad had a bad reaction to his booster. It’s like they suddenly forgot all of that and because the “news” says to be worried, they are. 🤦🏼‍♀️

  2. CTH had the best explanation – they need cover for their inflation and what better way to do that than crater demand with lockdowns. Additionally they can create more vaccines, more money for big pharma, more tyranny on the unvaxxed and create that CRISIS they so want to keep on implementing their world vax passports etc.

  3. What a surprise, a new variant – with many more to follow afterword – didn’t see that one coming. (/sarc off)

    What I did see coming was the totalitarian ruling class opportunistic response. As far as I know, Supreme Governor of the State of New York has made the first declaration of a “state of emergency”. Before it has even been detected here.

  4. Millions are buying into this BS.


    There are 2 communities that pretty much as whole, don’t buy it. And seem to be none the worse for each of these new “variants” They are the Amish and the homeless.

    Funny that huh?

    For as far back as I can remember there always a disclaimer with the annual flu shot. It was that it couldn’t be 100% effective because it was brewed up using strains from last years’ various flu strains to get your body to make antibodies specific to the strains injected.

    This one, using spike proteins instead to have your body make the antibodies, is a whole different kind of approach. While it was promised these spike proteins could not get into your cell’s nucleus and interact with your DNA, in fact that’s exactly what it’s doing.

    You can easily find dozens of interviews and studies from medical workers and scientists online that at the very least should raise doubt in your mind. I guess some bought & paid for media clown parroting fear porn is even easier.

    Why is that?

  5. When this first hit the wires and the markets sold off it was called the “Nu” variant, and by the time the day was over it was called Omicron. They don’t even know what fscking variant they are talking about anymore.

  6. Too many people were fighting back about this nonsense so they had to come up with a new serving of it.

    And what is the difference between a new “variant” and a new virus? Is every new flu that comes along that happens to be a Corona virus going to be called a new “variant?” To paraphrase LBJ, that will have us quaking in our boots for a hundred years.

  7. “Little-o” doesn’t sound too scary, to me.
    My guess is that all these bullshit variants are just variants of SARS-2.
    Probably not a dime’s worth of difference between one Corona virus and another.

    You gotta be half a moron to believe anything the gov’t, the “medical” community, or Academia puts out, in the first place.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. What is the definition of a “case”??
    The crap PCR test is going to be trashed at the end of the year because it produces s great deal of false positives.

    When anybody gets near a hospital, doctor office visit, you name it without any symptoms – are they routinely tested? Is testing mandatory anywhere?

    I’m not buying hysterical fear, especially because “cases” are not necessarily people suffering with covid. If they spin you specimen enough times for the PCR test it will be positive – a false positive.

  9. Two weeks to flatten the curve has turned into two years.
    How about we just admit that it’s going to be here a while.
    We could get past this with natural immunity.
    Let’s go for two week the reach the peak and get this over with.

  10. We start reading that there’s some amazement within the community of “smart people” that the RONA rates are so low in Africa. Those of us paying attention are not amazed in the slightest because Ivermectin is so widely used to prevent River Blindness in Africa.

    Lo an behold, within days of the low rates in Africa being bantered about, we have the Omicron variant in Africa. What a damned coincidence that is, huh?

  11. Why don’t they just shut the airports and seaports and all border crossings. Yea, that’s the idea. Stop letting sick people enter the US and if your not sure who the spreaders are stop them all. If you can’t your not trying and you don’t really want to stop it. Your failed so called vaccine isn’t doing zip so give that one up too. BS BS and more BS on top of that.

  12. The scheming fiends of the dem-rino party, deep state, greed-infested globalists, big pharma, media, and all conspirators and collaborators are seeing the fear-anxiety response among Americans ebbing away with attempts at normalcy and routine. To destroy the ebbing of fear, the vipers have created some bogus ‘scare-iant’ to put us back into our places, just as they did with the slaves.


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