Shouldn’t Racist Right-Wingers Be More Attracted to the Stark Old, White Field of Democrats? – IOTW Report

Shouldn’t Racist Right-Wingers Be More Attracted to the Stark Old, White Field of Democrats?

Look at all the whiteness!


Progressives Today

8 Comments on Shouldn’t Racist Right-Wingers Be More Attracted to the Stark Old, White Field of Democrats?

  1. What an amazing lineup of corruption, deceit and perfidy! The Mad Hatter, Vagina Monologues and a supporting cast of no-entity munchkins! They only need Crazy Joe B. in order to have the dumbest collection of pasty white Marxists in captivity and that includes the staff of NY Times, Harvard Faculty and The White House Staff (including Bay-rack the Arab)!

  2. It’s a fight between Hillary and Bernie and who can promise more “free” stuff.

    It’s going to be very hard to beat an asshole appealing to assholes with the promise of taking from the evil rich and raining money upon them.

  3. I didn’t watch the debate because I knew I wouldn’t be able to stomach whatever they had to say.

    Reading or listening sound bites this morning – this is what I heard as their sales pitch:

    Free stuff for everyone. I will be your Robin Hood making the rich pay for everything you desire . Ice cream & cookies after the gift opening party.

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