Shovel Challenge – IOTW Report

Shovel Challenge

Assertion- Men can pick up a shovel by the base of the handle. Women cannot.

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44 Comments on Shovel Challenge


    …it says men and women’s wrist bones move differently.

    ..I wonder if that’s built-in, or if it develops in puberty for…some reason…

  2. I have done 7 home renovations and love gardening. I typically pick up a shovel at the base of the handle as that is the fulcrum and thus easier to carry than by the handle.
    I am definitely heterosexual (love most men and their sense of honor and humor), love dressing up and wearing heels, but I am also a strong woman. Just saying…

  3. Try it with a 12 pound sledge, holding the end of the handle normally with one hand and slowly lowering it to touch your nose. At 20, I could do it. At 30, I couldn’t.

  4. @Anonymous
    My great uncle was a blacksmith in the early 1900s. His forearms, biceps and shoulders were huge. My Dad said when he was a boy he watched him rest the head of a 16 lb sledgehammer on the ground at his feet and tip it up with one hand and kiss the head without swinging it.

  5. Hollywood has proven over and over again that women can kick mens butts. I saw Angelina Jolie take on on twenty guys and she wasn’t even breathing hard.

  6. …IDK, in Washington, it seems like the women can shovel tons of shit right there with the men, even the very, very limp-wristed men, just sayin’…

  7. @ΜΟΛΩΝ
    That was the point. He would do it on a dare successfully and the darer would try and split his lip or bust his nose.
    At my fittest, I could do it with an 8lb sledge, but could barely lift the 16. There was no way I would try to tip it all the way up without swinging and create all that momentum.

  8. Some years ago when I was doing some major clean-up around our newly-acquired, digging out huge overgrowth and taking out bad shrubs and junk, some of the college-aged boys volunteered to help out. Except for one or two guys who were raised in rural areas, not a single other kid even knew how to use a shove! Seriously. Had gone their entire lives without using a shovel. They didn’t know how to use their bodies to work a shovel. Never seen anything like it.

    I’m more impressed with a man who knows how to use a shovel *after* he wows me by picking it up.

  9. It’s not that women can’t pick up the shovel,
    it’s that they define as not being able to do so.

    To suggest otherwise is sexist and misogynistic and are nazis.

  10. The only time I ever had any upper body strength was when I was involved in training for Karate. Even then, I would never be able to compete against the weakest men.

    And I’m ok with that. I don’t want to compete with men or be one. I like being a girl.

    I do, however, wish some lawn and garden equipment came with electric start options. I can’t even start our chain saw! 🙁

  11. Obamaplease: I did that experiment with the chair several times when I was in school. I forgot exactly how the experiment was done, but we found that it is true. I think it has something to do with the structure of the hip making a different center of gravity. IIRC a female’s is loser allowing them to rock back with the chair whereas a male’s is higher Keeping their head against the wall.

  12. @ Claudia

    Defensive tip: Work the groin! punch, kick, knee, elbow.

    Here is a good combo:
    Groin, eyes, groin, groin, groin.
    Eardrum, groin, groin, groin.
    Foot stomp, groin, groin, hot curling iron up the ass.

    Tough to get a training partner though.

  13. Tim Buktu
    MAY 18, 2020 AT 3:44 PM

    “At aged 15, I had developed Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

    But that was in 1963, and I can’t blame a keyboard for it.”

    ..perhaps not a keyboard, but in the ’60s, the Sears Catalog would have been a ‘thing’… a BIG thing, with women’s underwear displayed by models in it, and while a resourceful young man may have upper body strength, it would have been a LOT to hold in one hand, poised on one wrist…

  14. What the…?????
    If you have men who can’t pick up a shovel, how the hell are they going to pick up a full can of beer? Oh let me guess, they all drink Michelob Ultras.

  15. AbigailAdams-
    re: your story about the kids who couldn’t use a shovel
    Many years ago, I was working on a construction site and it being summer, the office people had their college age kids (and relatives- just like in the government) ‘helping out’ for summer jobs. I showed them how to use a shovel, then explained to them how the shovel was discovered. I told them they found one inside the pyramids, and didn’t know what it was, but after seeing it in some heiroglyphics, they began to use them, and we’ve been doing that ever since. They believed me. I got talked to.

  16. Video no longer available. It’s been made private, which means YouTube didn’t want the general public seeing this video for some reason.


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