Showdown looms as vacancy opens for Trump on liberal 9th Circuit Court – IOTW Report

Showdown looms as vacancy opens for Trump on liberal 9th Circuit Court


Another vacancy will soon open on the famously liberal federal appeals court on the West Coast, and the jockeying among conservatives to advance a favorite nominee has already begun.

Judge Carlos Bea, a Bush appointee, will take senior status on the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, though a date has not been set.

The opening will give Mr. Trump his ninth slot to fill on the court — six of his picks are already sitting.

Some conservatives say that seat should be earmarked for Patrick Bumatay, an openly gay Filipino man whom Mr. Trump had eyed for the 9th Circuit before, but ended up nominating him for a district judgeship instead as part of a deal with California’s two Democratic senators.

“Patrick Bumatay is a former colleague and good friend. Harvard Law. Bush 43 White House. Career prosecutor. Tireless work for Gorsuch and Kavanaugh confirmations. He would make a phenomenal addition to the Ninth Circuit,” said Mike Davis, president of the Article III Project, a group supporting Mr. Trump’s judicial nominees.  read more

9 Comments on Showdown looms as vacancy opens for Trump on liberal 9th Circuit Court

  1. Why the fuck do we have to know he’s a practicing homosexual? Is that an enhancement to his legal credentials in some way now days?
    Or is it armor against attacks that are sure to come?

  2. If he’s a conservative, I’m all for him. I love how he’s also intersectionally qualified, so we can hammer the libs who oppose him on racism and homophobia. Beat them with their own cudgel.

  3. gin blossom: Because the Love that dare not speak its name has become the Love that won’t shut the Hell up. It’s way past time for the 9th Circuit Court to be broken up to further reduce its ability to mess with the rest of this country.

  4. “The opening will give Mr. Trump his ninth slot to fill on the court — six of his picks are already sitting.”

    wait a minute. Six of President Trump’s picks for the 9th Circuit are already acting as judges on the 9th Circuit? If that is the case, then why do we keep hearing of one absurd decision after another spewing forth from this west coast shitshow on a weekly basis? wtf?

  5. my search revealed 25 justices sit in the 9th circuit. So he has or will have seated a third of them? And when Trump gets another 4 years?

    wow, just wow. I do hope none of them are like John Roberts

  6. Here’s why gay people are a problem…Too often they associate their sexual proclivity against the heterosexual society as being their problem. Why? Everything is because of someone else…the Boogeyman.

  7. 99% of people aren’t gay. We don’t need gay judges. Actually the gays I have known since 1984 have been quite irrational people.

    I know there are some normals in the community, but they are rarely found.


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