Showtime To Debut a Cartoon Which Will Be a Crass, Low Blow Skewering of a Sitting President – IOTW Report

Showtime To Debut a Cartoon Which Will Be a Crass, Low Blow Skewering of a Sitting President

The Stephen Colbert produced crapola claims that “no political figure is safe.”

Yeah, providing they aren’t progressives. Everyone in the teaser frame is on the right. Where is Wasserman Schultz, Pelosi, Hillary, Franken, or even Bill? No comedy there, I guess.

The teaser video is idiotic right out of the gate. It depicts Trump as low energy and easily winded by simply walking down a hallway.

For comedy to be funny it should start with a foundation based on truth. Trump is seemingly indefatigable.

ht/ illustr8r

21 Comments on Showtime To Debut a Cartoon Which Will Be a Crass, Low Blow Skewering of a Sitting President

  1. It is wishful thinking on Colbert’s part.
    I would love a cartoon about My Donald if it were made by 4Chan & Reddit The_Donald peeps, but I have no interest in a show made by people who hate My Donald and hate his supporters (like me). Fuck that shit.

  2. There are several shows now on Comedy Central dedicated to bashing Trump, basically versions of the Daily Show. I haven’t watched more than just enough to confirm. They aren’t funny, of course, but I suppose if the audience is large enough to pay the bills they don’t really care.
    Or maybe it’s self-therapy, a pacifier if you will. I don’t care because I’m busy MAGA.

  3. Damn – this really makes me wish I had Showtime!

    Not to watch this show, mind you – just so I could call up Comcast to cancel it and tell them it was the reason why I was doing it.


  4. The marketing geniuses at Showtime haven’t figured out that is still some great humor to be had from Barry, Michele, Hillary, Pelosi, Bernie etc…From the ghosts of years past, present and future.

    I might try out Showtime if they would only depict Barry/Hillary as the true jackass clowns that they are…

  5. Trump wins.
    He goes to bed with Melania, wakes up at 5 AM and Tweets for the express purpose of exploding liberal’s vapid craniums.

    At 5 AM Steven Colbert is crying in his pillow as his anus is bleeding from an unlubricated 14″ studded black dildo.

  6. Good news amongst this bullshit, suck it Colbert!:

    After being closed for more than a year, The Hall of Presidents at the Magic Kingdom will reopen Tuesday, December 19th. The attraction has been enhanced and will “bring the story of the American presidency to life as never before.”

    President Donald J. Trump has been added to the show and, as has been the tradition for recent presidents, has recorded remarks for his Audio-Animatronic figure. President Trump’s figure features the latest technology, with more smooth and lifelike movements.

  7. If Cobert did a time travel episode showing Obama ‘uh…oh…umming’ in front a a TelePrompTer in inappropriate situations then I’d laugh for a second or two…

    (Cord cutter here, local cable, Hulu, Netflix and the NHL app. No TV show is so important that I can’t wait to watch it. Got better things to do.)

  8. @Deplorable, you know that little ball of wax bouncing around in your ear canal, buggin’ you and you just want to excise it with a sharp knife. It finally rattles out and you’re left with a nasty orange stain on your pillow.
    That’s a Colburt.

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