Shrink Wants You To Stop Using 6 “Hurtful Words” – IOTW Report

Shrink Wants You To Stop Using 6 “Hurtful Words” –

A leading psychiatrist has identified six words people should not use, because they are “accompanied by feelings of moral judgment, hatred and utter rejection,” Business Insider revealed Monday. More

Now, how are we going to describe congress?

29 Comments on Shrink Wants You To Stop Using 6 “Hurtful Words”

  1. I’ll start listening when “left wing,” “progressive,” “social justice,” “social justice warrior,” “LBGQ-whatever,” and “democrat” are added to the list amongst others.

    Meanwhile the use of such words as fag, faggot, queer, traitor, illegal immigrant, and unpatriotic should increase.

    Political correctness is a tool used to avoid the truth.

  2. “The word “lazy,” for instance, “suggests there’s something fundamentally wrong with you if you can’t work hard”

    Yes! Exactly! That is why we have that word – to describe lazy people.
    What a dipshit.

  3. He’s quoted in “Business Insider” magazine.
    And that’s what he’s doing- giving us ‘the business’

    It is a business. Ask him how he feels about gender and fluidity and sexual dysmorphia. That, along with depression and their lifetime prescriptions and appointments is a cash cow for his business. They work harder selling acceptance of dysfunction to the public than correcting it. And that is their business, inside.

  4. …Stephen King is kind of a liberal douche these days, but he has a quote for this PARTICULAR guy here…

    “That’s what a shrink is for, my friends and neighbors; their job is to f*** the mentally disturbed and make them pregnant with sanity. It’s a bull’s job and they go to school to learn how, and their courses are all variations on a theme:
    Slipping It to the Psychos for Fun and Profit, Mostly Profit. And if you find yourself someday lying on that great analyst’s couch where so many have lain before you, I’d ask you to remember one thing: When you get sanity by stud, the child always looks like the father. And they have a very high suicide rate.”

    -Stephen King (as Richard Bachman), “Rage”

  5. He’s utterly oblivious to the REASON words like “lazy, selfish, etc. etc” are used. They are pointedly INTENDED to convey moral judgement, and hatred and utter rejection (of that targeted behavior) !!

    The idea is to eliminate that behavior. Not to enable it, so the offender needs a psychiatrist.
    Quack. Must be a classmate of Ezekiel Emmanuel @ the TotalShit School of Medicine.

    At the end of his life, the vaunted pediatrician Dr Spock admitted that he ruined a generation of children with his stupid advice.

  6. So we’re going back to 20th century vocabulary?

    Lazy= Mexican
    Selfish= Jewish
    Stupid= Black.

    I’m not really comfortable with this…but if that Jew Nigga wants to roll like that I guess I’ll play along.

  7. @LCD – If you want to see some triggering writing, read the Flashman series of books by George MacDonald Frazer. They are hilarious, as well as making reading history entertaining. I’m in the process of collecting them all before they are banned by the prog thought police.

  8. So instead of ridiculing and describing the left in an accurate way, they want us to resort to the leftist means of communication consisting of telling someone to go kill themselves, gay slurs, and copious amounts of swearing???
    How is that better then calling a lazy, disappointing, hypocritical politician what they are? A lazy hypocrite who disappointed me?

  9. “The word “lazy,” for instance, “suggests there’s something fundamentally wrong with you if you can’t work hard,” Brenner writes, while “the answer may simply be to give yourself smaller goals.”


    There! I didn’t use “lazy (worthless, sack o’ shit)” at all! 😆

  10. Yes, but, there are still three extremely profane and filthy words that you can still say publicly and be perfectly justified “psychiatrist, psychologist and social worker” so swear away!!!!!!!!


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