Shut It Down – IOTW Report

Shut It Down

Kentucky Representative Thomas Massie appeared on Kennedy last night to discuss the prospects of a shut down over boarder wall funding.

According to the congressman, less than 10 percent of the federal government would be affected. That’s because so much of federal operations have already been funded thanks to earlier stop gap measures passed this last year. Watch

No wonder why the two leaders of the democrats in congress squirmed uncontrollable during yesterday’s impromptu presser. The body language ghost took review of their performance. Here

11 Comments on Shut It Down

  1. The Dems don’t realize that Trump will not play the Obama game of spending tens of millions of dollars to block off things that either 1) would cost much less to leave them alone or 2) aren’t run by the Federal Government in the first place. In other words, he won’t go out of his way to get Americans mad. In fact, Americans would probably be better off with a Trump shut down.

  2. Shut it down. Essential services only, eg Border Patrol Agents
    No paychecks for government ‘workers’
    No payments for obamaphones
    Turn the lights off in the Capitol and send the rats home to face their constituents


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