Shut It Down – IOTW Report

Shut It Down

Reuters has provided a handy outline of how various federal government operations would be affected in a shut down, looming in October. I want to draw your attention to this section in particular.


Scientific research would be disrupted as agencies like the National Institutes of Health, [emphasis added] the National Science Foundation and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) would furlough most of their workers, according to recent contingency plans.


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26 Comments on Shut It Down

  1. Taxpayers will still send $billions to Hunter’s long time partner EVVEN IF GOVT ‘SHUT DOWN”! ?@#$%^?!!@

    UNIPARTY has been protecting Hunter for years; “shut down’ will not shut UNIPARTY down!

  2. Taxpayers will still send $billions to Hunter’s long time partner EVVEN IF GOVT ‘SHUT DOWN”! ?@#$%^?!!@

    UNIPARTY has been protecting Hunter for years; “shut down’ will not shut UNIPARTY down!

  3. I was in the FedGov 36 years through various shut-downs.
    Never lost a dime.
    (disclaimer: I was Excepted Service, Legislative Branch, and worked through the shut-downs)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. | ecp Tuesday, 26 September 2023, 18:08 at 6:08 pm
    | June 3, 2023 – Debt ceiling suspended. Debt at the time: $31.4 trillion.
    | Today, 115 days later – $33.11 trillion debt.
    | That’s $619 Million per hour.

    Ask me how I make $619 Million per hour.



    If the debt increased “only” $60M per hour, that would be “only” $165,600,000,000 added since June 3rd when the ceiling was suspended, 2760 hours ago.

    Hell, a good chunk of $165B has been added with just Ukraine alone.

    Unfortunately, our government has actually added $1,710,000,000,000 since June 3.

  6. I remember how 0bama shut down The National Mall and The WWII Memorial during a govt shutdown, spending more money on security to keep people out than normal operating costs. Expect more of the same from the Biden* regime. FJB / FUBO


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