“Shut up, Joe” – Barky – IOTW Report

“Shut up, Joe” – Barky

11 Comments on “Shut up, Joe” – Barky

  1. And just to add a little more spice to the week, Mexico’s president is asking for an apology from America for Fast and Furious.

    Enjoy your week, Obama.

  2. Dementia Joe Obiden Bama was safely tucked away in Delaware, a mostly forgotten man, until he decided he had to fulfill his desire to show everyone he was capable of leading the country. After eight years of close contact with his Vice President, Baracky Osmidgen knows better than practically anyone what a disaster Poor Joey would be as President of the United States. Osmidgen knows where all the bodies are buried, and he must be loosing sleep thinking about Dementia Joe answering questions regarding things like the phony Russian Collusion claims, framing Michael Flynn, wiretapping Donald Trump, and what really happened in Benghazi. He’s the last person Osmidgen wants answering questions about these messy matters.

  3. Hot dog! Besides Operation Fast and Furious being another “botched” effort under Biden’s watch, this is in Eric Holder’s wheelhouse, too. I hope Justice catches up with him, along with all the others.

    You don’t suppose POTUS Trump has anything to do with Mexico’s president bringing this up, do you? 😉

  4. @Marco – I’m pretty sure Baracky Osmidgen (or his puppet masters) knew better than practically anyone what a disaster Poor Joey would be as President of the United States = Before Joey was picked to be his VP. The choice was viewed as BHO’s Remain in the WH Insurance policy during his eight long agonizing years in office.

    [Yes, I understand, it would take an effective plan & great effort to be worse than Baracky. But Joey is up to the task in an Inspector Clouseau-like way.]


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